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tw warning !!

flynn-okay which one are you?
he asked driving down the road slowly before you stopped him

you said pointing to your house and he smiled

flynn-its beautiful like you
you blushed at his compliment grabbing your bag from the back seat

you-thank you for today, i'll text you soon i think i just need some time to myself?

flynn-i get that just dont ghost me
he joked making you smile

you waved goodbye and climbed out his car going back to your house unlocking the door not ready for what you would possibly see from ashton's house.

you glanced over seeing him a girl asleep in his bed and the TV lights alluminating the room

as guessed
you sighed tearing up again quickly running to the bathroom sobbing all over again

you finally composed yourself and had a hot shower now sat at your desk braiding your hair for tonight

you glanced up to the mirror noticing ashton sat up awake staring right at you

i can't even look at him, that's a different girl i know it is. the other one from thr couch had blonde hair, she has brown

his hand ran through the girls hair but his puffy eyes lay on you.

you dialed gail's number hoping to get ur mind off the issue and he picked up quickly

gail-hi y/n how are you?
he asked happily and you sighed

you-feeling pretty sad and single

gail-omg what? what's he done now?

you-sex is one of his coping mechanisms for his trauma and i just couldn't take it anymore were gonna try work it out in the office but-

gail-huh what!? im so sorry

you shook your head taking a deep breathe
you-its okay im not here to try about my issues im checking in on you, have you got an cigarettes left?

gail-i have 5 left
he said happy with himself and you gave him a small round of applause

you-woo that's good
you smiled walking over to your closet grabbing some pajamas

gail-the trip is really distracting me, how's ur sickness?

you-im perfect now but considering-

he was quick to cut you off
gail-i know you don't have to say it again you need time

you-thank you for understanding
you thanked him sliding your shirts and baggy shirt on

gail-well if you need to talk to keep ur mind off things im just a call away

you-thanks, im heading to bed have fun over there

you ended the call sliding your phone onto your bedside table placing it on charge deciding to change your bedsheets.

i can't sleep here knowing he was on them, i really can't..
you threw the dirty sheets onto the floor replacing them with clean one now carrying the dirty ones to the laundry basket.

you poured yourself a glass of wine sitting at the kitchen table drinking it slowly

of all the things im glad his decided to just fuck somebody else. it's not harm, i love and care for him so much

you placed your wine glass down letting the tears pour again.

you slid your hands onto your face wiping the tears away now taking your glass and bottle back to your bed.

you slid back against the sheets finishing off your glass now refiling it before your eyes made their way to him.

he was stood up in the bathroom, you found barely see him but the light was on and he was stood staring and talking to himself from what it looked like

you tilted your head curious before his your eyes fell down his body, was he...bleeding?

oh no no no

you wasted no time rushing straight to his house pushing the door open rushing to him

you-ashton no that's not the answer
you blurted out pushing the door closed behind you

his eyes fell to you and he almost sighed in relief and you shook your head staring at him

you-put this down please
you begged prying his hand open and he dropped whatever he was holding now falling to the ground as tears formed in his eyes

ashton-im sorry
he sobbed as your hands fell around his body hugging him

you-shhh your gonna wake her up

ashton-i don't care about her, i care about you
his eyes stared up at you and you nodded

you-i know that's why ur giving me space yeah?

he shook his head no burying his head against your shirt

ashton-it hurts
he said touching his chest and you slid his hand into yours

you-i bet it does, where's your first aid kit?

ashton-under the sink
he muttered and you quickly grabbed it cleaning up the blood adding some bandaids to his wounds.

ashton-im sorry ur right i need to give you space that's what you need

you-you cant do this again, what are you gonna tell the girls you fuck this week?

he chuckled
ashton-thats not funny im not touching another girl after tonight i made a promise to myself

you-promise me you won't do this again
you begged looking down at the 7 bandaids

ashton-i think this one needs a bandage
he said to the bigger one and you sighed replacing the bandaid with a bigger bandage and he smiled

you-can you stop avoiding the question?
you said pulling his head up to yours

you-please ash, this is never the answer

ashton-i'll try, i can't promise that

you-ur not doing this again, i'll watch you all day if i have too
you argued helping him up against the counter

ashton-i guess im not working tommorow
he groaned grabbing the counter

you-no ur not, ur resting in bed

ashton-i don't want her in my bed

you-well then get rid of her that's not my responsibility ashton
you kept kept conversation strict still frustrated by what he just did

ashton sighed giving himself a minute before heading out the bedroom

you-im cleaning this then leaving

he nodded understanding and you slid onto the floor cleaning up all the mess listening in to the other room

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