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you-are you kidding? of course i do

ashton smiled taking his hands up to your waist squeezing gently

ashton-is it too soon to ask you out?

you giggled now dragging your lips over his
you-hmm, give it a few seconds then ask me. i wanna kiss you first

you both chuckled meeting your lips in a long awaited lip grasping kiss.

you took a deep breathe parting lips slower than ever your eyes staring into his

ashton-okay, now?

you pushed him off rolling out of bed

ashton-hey! dont leave me!
he shouted dramatically as you entered the bathroom he whined staring

you glanced over to him now lay on his front. his chin rested against your pillow gazing at you with his arms out

ashton-please, 5 more minutes mrs bello im begging you hunny
he begged reaching his hands out opening and closing them like a toddler

what's suddenly exploded this adorably couple side of him. its amazing.

his. softer, emotion wise of course.
caring, loving, future planning, cute well..super hot and my type of guy inside and out.

you walked over wrapped in a towel and took his hands in yours watching his head stretch up to look at your face.

it did make you giggle at the adorable sight

you-ur so fucking perfect ashton
you whispered watching his lips curved into a smile

ashton-it's too soon but if i could i'd marry you right here
he smiled before you placed a kiss on his hand sliding back into the bathroom

you-im having a shower, join me if you'd like
you smiled stepping into the shower naked and beginning to lather yourself with soap quickly getting bubbly.

and of course seconds later his hands slid around you

ashton-ive never been this comfortable with anybody since my brother
he whispered against your shoulder leaving a gentle kiss on your wet skin

you asked turning around to him as the water dripped down his chest

he chuckled taking your hips in his hands

ashton-all i want is a family and ive never got one but you make me feel amazing in a way i cant explain.
he whispered with that crackly voice

you were quick to take his face in your bubbly hands and stare into his eyes

you-ur fine, just breathe
you smiled reassuring him as he took a door breathe continuing

ashton-i feel like ive know you forever and it's been what 3 days?
he lightly chuckled pulling you against his body

ashton-since my eyes lay on you in your office they havent moved off you. you've made me feel more comfortable and open than i ever thought i could be with a woman and i would love nothing more than to carry whatever we have, on. whatever pace you want and whatever timing you prefer but at some point, i want you y/n

you smiled affected by his affectionate words seeing a tear fall from his eye

you-why we cryingg? i dont want tears ash, no tears
you smiled

ashton-what no, i dont cry

you chuckled removing your hand now laughing at his face covered in bubbles

ashton-what did you do...no you cant be laughing after my soft speech
he asked touching his bubbly face as you stared and could not stop laughing because of how adorable it was

he was quick to tackle you against the shower wall and kiss all over you.

this sent little tickle sensations all over your body causing you to curl up against him giggling

you-ash it tickles! stop! i didnt even reply to ur speech!!
he pulled back lifting his head to yours and keeping your arms pinned to the wall

ashton-okay go, reply
he smirked lightly gazing at all your features on your natural and wet face

you-i'd love nothing more but carry out relationship on. i feel the exact same. my eyes and mind have been on you and you only you since you've walked into my life-

he smiled smashing his lips against yours cutting you off

he stumbled back as you took control now stood under the shower with him.

water ran down onto your hair running between your bodys as your tounges shared that amazing kiss again

you gently pulled back running your hands onto his neck

you-let me finish, i would love nothing more than to become apart of your family to make you happy again
you smiled as his head fell into the dip in your neck, his hands around your body hugging you

ashton-like i said whatever pace and time you want y/n

you-i know and what were at right now is perfect for me

he smiled pulling back to look into your eyes


you giggled

he gave you one last kiss before stepping out the shower wrapping one of the 2 towels around him

ashton-whats ur favourite breakfast meal?

you-theres no way ur gonna cook me breakfast for me

ashton-fine egg and avocado it is, my favourite

you-no ur kidding that's my favourite

ashton chuckled walking out

ashton-something in common already

you smiled to yourself excited for you two to progress through time

you finally got the guy. a good one too

sorry if there are any spelling mistakes

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