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warning: smut

you arrived home surprisingly late for your usual day around 9pm

usually it would be a 7 or 8 finish but today it wasn't.

you grabbed food on your way home placing it onto the counter and walking towards your bedroom quickly stopping hearing sounds

rummaging maybe? like shuffling..?

was..somebody in there?

you quickly backed up to the wall listening in

ashton-y/n if ur not home in 2 minutes i'll fix my dick myself
ashton whispered making you giggle

you glanced down to your phone screen light up with that exact voice note

you lightly pushed the door open completely ignoring him.

let's see how long he can go.

you began to strip naked looking through your bed clothes draw.

ashton-hey hunny good dayyy?
he asked walking over to you

you stuck to your little game ignoring him

ashton-oh come on baby dont tease mee
he chuckled running his hands over your naked body

you decided on a dark red, shorts and crop top bed set for tonight and with a smile you went into the bathroom

ashton-okay then, ignoring me hm?

he asked staring at you from the doorframe while you took a shower

ashton-you look amazing
he smiled grabbing you a towel from the cupboard beside him

ashton-1 towel or 2?
he asked and you completely ignored him arching your back against the shower wall letting a soft moan out

ashton-dont piss me off y/n, ur arching ur god damn back
he was quick to shift infront of the shower glass and stare directly at you

he knocked on the glass waving at you

ashton-helloo, boyfriend here

you smiled quickly turning away not wanting to give him the satisfaction

you stepped out the shower reaching the towel from his hand as he chuckled

ashton-are you kidding? give me a kiss in return for the towel

you puckered your lips seeing him smile and gently kiss yours wrapping the towel around you

i'll let they pass because he didnt use tounge...

ashton-okay so ur not mad, i hope

you began to tie your still dry hair up into a messy bun and put your bed set on, no underwear and no bra

ashton-going commando, woah

you lead him out to the living room taking a seat with your food and lying back on the couch

ashton's lips were quick to turn into a frown clearly upset
ashton-didnt you get me food?
he asked sadly glancing over to the counter

of course i did silly, go look in the bag

he looked into the bag and chuckled taking a seat beside you happily

ashton-nevermind you did
he smiled and after your food you lay in silence with your eyes on him

ashton-i dont like this game ur playing baby
he widened your legs sliding himself between them running his hands under your shorts but not touching or squeezing, just resting them on you.

ashton-what is this, lets ignore ashton? actuslly no cuz you wouldnt of kissed me..or got me food

he lay his head on your stomach sighing and you pulled your shirt off in a hope that he would eventually give up and touch you

ashton-ahh i know this game
he smirked staring at your boobs

ashton-ur seeing how long i can last

ashton-my answer is not very long
he rested his cheek on your boob making you giggle

ashton-but that doesn't explain the not talking

i am ignoring him. im acknowledging that his there but im not doing anything about him or to him

you pushed him off watching him flop against the couch as you went over to your phone taking a few photos of yourself

ashton-woah who are those for!?
he shouted throwing a pillow at you making you drop your phone

you slid off the counter and back over to his body

you whispered spreading your legs wide against him

you ran your hands around his neck and began to rock against him

ashton-ur kidding. oh my fuck
he whispered staring at you

your boobs would meet his face with each rock you too and he hummed every single time

come on ash, touch me. even im sick of this game now

his hands ran up your back pulling your hair back as his lips began to gently kiss down your neck

there we go. it took him 35 minutes exactly, ouch.

you moaned lowly throwing your head down and un buttoning his shirt

ashton-is that it, game over? i get sex?

you giggled shoving him down against the couch

ashton-that was it, how long did i last?

you-35 minutes

ashton-ur joking, 35 minutes without what touching you!?

you-sexually yes, lips, squeezing, touching

ashton-oh hell no that's like illegal
he whispered panting against your body that grinded his body.

you-its cute how ur respectful of my boundaries but considering what you said this morning im upset you didn't touch me

you hand shoved into his pants rubbing his dick in your left hand

ashton-mi amorr
he moaned out staring at you

you-go on, tell me how good i am

ashton-mm ur naughty
he smiled lifting you up and falling back onto your bed

you gave him a sexy crawl over his body bouncing yourself against his raw dick now on show

ashton-oh y/n
he moaned out grabbing your waist in his hands before your phone began to ring..


oh rowan, ur ruining my sexy time with my boyfriend.

actually what are me and ashton?

sorry if there are any spelling mistakes

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