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you woke up around 4:30 due to a phone call

random number?

you answered

quince-somebody sounds sleepy

you-hm well its 4:30 so yeah sorry who is this?
you asked sitting up rubbing your eyes

quince-wow it's only been a couple of days and you've already forgot about me?

you-oh quince
you chuckled and he chuckled back

quince-i haven't stopped thinking about you so i thought if you wasn't gonna call first then id ask ur dads company for ur number

you-my dads company has my number saved?

you-well thanks for waking me up 30 minutes before my alarm

quince-5am what are you doing at 5am?
he chuckled

you-work i leave at 6 im a therapist

quince-that's amazing
he replied softly as you picked out your outfit for the day

quince-so have you thought about my offer? we leave monday

you-i don't know quince its 2 weeks away from home and all my clients need me you know?

quince-but think of how fun it'll be, i'll fly you out and pay for everything you'll have such a fun time i promise you

you-mmm its a maybe
you hummed and he audibly smiled adding a giggle

quince-a maybe?

you-yes it's a maybe

quince-i'll get you everything exclusiveeee
he added trying to tempt you into going

you-where is it again?

quince-all over the world, literally
he chuckled

that sounds amazing i won't lie

quince-first its 2 days in miami then we fly to england for around a week and tokyo for another week before back to miami

you-that sounds so amazing
you admitted

quince-so have i convinced you?

you-not really
you joked making him gasp as you sat down beginning your makeup infront of your mirror, ur outfit on

quince-cmon y/n
he whined

you-why do you want me to go? i mean you met me 5 ish days ago

quince-you'd be surprised on how much i've heard of you leading up mine and ur fathers race

you chuckled
you-i'll text you next week

he sighed
quince-i hate to push you on this but if ur coming i need to know now to reserve all of ur stuff as its in less than 2 days

you-fine i'll go

he chuckled

you-yeah it'll be a nice break and ive never been to tokyo

quince-its known for street racing
he teased and you placed all your makeup away seeing ashton roll over on his bed also on the phone to somebody

quince-your flight will be ready for monday at 4am
he replied

you-4am who do you think i am?

quince-a beautiful girl willing to take a risk, see you monday

you-wait wait

he hummed happily

you-because ur all famoussss-

quince sighed
quince-where is this going?

you giggled
you-could you call up my work and book the days off? they will not let me go if i talk to them

quince-of course i will message me ur therapy centure, bye now
he flirted and you ended the call with a smile.

maybe 2 weeks away from ashton and even rowan is exactly what i need.

you had finished curling your hair and glanced over to ashton who smiled getting out the shower

pretty late for him? he leaves at 6 just like me on most days?

and he hasn't looked over at me once.

you sighed fixing your flared jeans in the mirror adding some jewellery as ur phone rang again

who is it now.


oh? gail??

you-hey is something wrong our appointments at 3 today remember?

gail-yeah i was calling to ask if we could push it forwards? in any way possible

you sighed

i have an hour free from 11 to 12 tonight but do i reallyy wanna squish him between my leaving hour? do i wanna stay behind for him?

(your last client was at 10 and then you had to do dome things for atticus until 12 and you'd leave.)

you-gail is it really that necessary i mean i have 2 really important clients and physio today-

gail-i wouldn't ask if it wasn't important, i totally forgot that ive got court times that run through 3 and i don't wanna keep you waiting on me from that

you-okay 11

gail-am or pm?


gail-you still work then?

you chuckled
you-no i dont it's my leaving hour and we will be the only ones in the office so count yourself lucky

gail-thank you really thank you, and i won't be there for our session in a couple of weeks

you-oh whys that?
you asked grabbing ur bags ready to leave for ur day.

gail-my brothers friend has this racing tourment thing worldwide and ive got dragged along
he chuckled

no way. what are the odds of that??

you-seriously is it from uk to tokyo?

gail-how'd you know?

you-because im going too, ive gotta run cuz im gonna be late but we can talk later yeah?

gail-yeah have a good day
he replied with the happiness apparent in his voice

you ended the call taking another look over seeing ashton open his front door to a beautiful woman in a blue dress

blue is his favourite colour. oh god no ashton don't do this to me

he immediately embraced her in a hug and she looked like she giggled at whatever he said

you were stuck in a trace staring as he took her over to the kitchen pouring her coffee

what is going on.

you watched the girl slide her jacket off as she gazed up at ashton they spoke to one another he seemed way to happy to be talking to her.

you opened your front door and slammed it shut locking up catching ashton's attention.

you glanced up to him and shook ur head disappointed getting into your car and driving off for the day.

sorry if there are any spelling mistakes

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