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warning: smut !!

you-oh elias hi
you chuckled confused crossing your legs to hopefully stop yourself from throbbing down there..

elias-hi that's why you didn't answer ur phone, showering
he chuckled and you nodded

you-yeah whatsup?

elias-just dropping your sick pay over our boss said you don't have to return until next week alot of your patients are away for work or vacations

you-oh great thanks, why don't you just send it to my bank?

elias-he did try but it said something about a blocked error? i don't know but yeah how are you feeling?

you-a little better after my shower gone take a nap

he nodded
elias-thats probably best, get well soon

he waved goodbye and you were quick to close the door on him and run back to your bedroom where ashton was now drying off

you-hmm ur not getting dressed
you shoved him down against the bed getting a laugh out of him

ashton-again hunny?

you-my co-worker ruined what you were doing so yes
you said throwing your robe aside as ashton's fingers met your wet heat..

ashton-oh wow
he smirked flipping you to the bed sliding his tip into you..

you hummed widening your legs as he pounded your wet pussy

ashton-why did he show up?
ashton asked curiously tilting his head staring down at you

you-sick pay bank error
you blurted out shortening it as much as possible

ashton-you look gorgeous like this
he managed to moan staring down at you before his phone rang this time

you sighed as he lifted it into his hands becoming frustrated himself

he pulled out and sat back answering the call

he questioned, his annoyed tone pushing through. you slid off the bed grabbing your robe as his eyes followed you with an upset expression on his face

you went into the bathroom now sick of all the distractions redoing your skincare and getting ready for the night.

ashton-you seriously had to call me over that somebody else can with it its my day off?!
he screamed and you sighed

that isn't the way to handle a situation ashton

you tried your best to not eavesdrop but his loud screams pulled you out the bathroom

you-ash it's fine
you reassured him and he glanced down to you holding his arms, his chest moving quickly

??-im sorry sir i shouldn't have called
his employee apoglised probably for the 20th time as you glanced up to his phone

you-be calm we were just having extra fun
you smiled sliding your hand onto his face

ashton-whos dealing with it
he asked walking off from you and into the bathroom

you sighed grabbing some sweatpants and a cropped shirt listening and making sure he wouldn't blow all his anger on them again

ashton-no i don't want him on that, you takeover

there was silence for a few second before you heard ashton take a deep breathe trying to contain his anger

ashton-dont make me come down there

you walked back into the bathroom realising he was getting annoyed again and so you gently hugged his body hoping it would calm him

ashton-my office was broken into and nobody has done anything about it!
he shouted shoving you off as you hit the counter harshly

that's the first time his used violence

you stared into his eyes in shock seeing the immediate regret flood his face

ashton almost instantly put his phone down staring at you

you-its okay thats something we won't do again
you put a small smile on ignoring the pain in your back

ashton-i am sorry
he whispered as his eyes filled with tears

you-ashton it's okay what's going on with your employee

ashton-my office got broken into that's not important right now-
he shook his head but you were quick to stop him

you-no it is, we've gotta go
you replied quickly grabbing your phone finding his nearby passing it to him

you-ashton stop looking at me like that, let's go
you looked up to his face

ashton-all they're taking is paper files, you're more important y/n

you-we can talk about this once you've sorted the initial issue
you argued leading the way out the house and he finally stepped up during you to his building..

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