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you-weve got places to be but its been nice meeting you

the little girl nodded giving you two a wave

ella-can you let me down now daddy?
she asked looking at him

domin-no ive missed you
he said snuggling into her and she giggled wiggling out his grip

ella-bye y/n, bye ash
she waved jumping onto the bed

ashton opened his arms to her and she ran into them giving him a big hug

ashton-i'll hopefully see you soon yeah?

she nodded against his neck
ella-yeah ur better than daddy is

he chuckled
ashton-better than daddy, is daddy bossy?

ella-yeah his always saying 'stop ella' and 'shut up ells'

ashton-nothings changed
he whispered looking up to the man

ashton-dont hurt her the way you did with me, dont touch a single bone on he body
he demanded to the man who stood beside the door

domin-ur telling me-

ashton-i'll take her with me dont temp me domin
he said now annoyed from his response

ashton-you don't touch a woman, especially not ur own daughter

you-ash the cars are here

he turned to you and smiled taking ur hand in his
ashton-just saying goodbye, let's go

he glanced back to the guy and ella who waved for the 3rd time clearly not wanting you to leave

ashton-remember what ashton said yeah?

she nodded

ella-tell somebody if it happens
she smiled confidently

they needed that time together and wow it made you so happy.

you-your confident with him, im proud of you

ashton lightly blushed and hugged you tightly in the middle of the elevator

ashton-he doesn't get to hurt another kid and especially not her, shes special because shes my sister y/n

you-i know and if we find out shes been hurt we'll take her in do you understand me?

ashton-you'll take her in for me?

you-ashton i want nothing more than to help you and if that means looking out for ur sister too then im willing to do that. ur improving every single day and today you stood up to the person who brought you all that trauma so for that im so so proud of you

the elevator doors opened and he kissed your lips softly

ashton-i love you
he said confidently as a guard opened the car door for you both and you slid in

you-i love you more
you replied sliding your hand into his as the car drove off to the racing track.

you pulled your phone out and messaged gail your address details while you had the time now arriving at the track

for about 20 minutes you went over rules and how to work the actual racing cars before sliding these suits on and going over to the track seeing somebody already driving

ashton-you look so sexy in this body suit
ashton whispered running his hands up your body and leaving wet kisses over your neck


ashton-can we forget the racing, i wanna rip this suit off you
he chuckled kissing up your neck towards your lips

you-ash i wanna watch so i can beat you when we race

ashton-you beat me? not in million years
he said now holding you against his body

you-wanna bet? ive got racing in my blood

you walked down the steps as the car pulled up and the guy got out pulling his helmet off

your eyes met his and of course it was ur dad enemy from yesterdays race.

quince-what are the odds
he chuckled happily sliding into the passenger side and you took the drivers side

quince-so im ur intrustor and it's literally like driving a car. stop, start, quicker, slower but the only difference is the gears which im sure they've told you about and you can drift with the lever on the side of ur seat

you-we went over everything about these cars for probably 20 minutes

he chuckled and buckled himself in

quince-whenever ur ready y/n

god he knows my name. i forgot that.

sorry if there are any spelling mistakes

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