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you-that was so sexy, what did you say

ashton-i said ur perfect darling
he smiled gently kissing ur lips as you shuffled around to keep your eyes on him

you-say something else i love your accent

he smiled leaning his head against the pillow while staring at you

ashton-quiero tener 2 hijas contigo [i want to have 2 kids with you]

you-2 of something? 2 boobs?

he laughed running his hands over your legs


his hands fell to your stomach looking down to it


he nodded

you-you want 2 kids with me?

he smiled
ashton-you got it

you-but i only want 1, 2 is too many

ashton-overtime you will want 2

you smiled gazing into his eyes as he began to speak again

ashton-eres la mujer más hermosa que he visto y estoy tan feliz de que seas mía, mi amor. [you are the most beautiful woman i have ever seen and im so happy that you're mine my love]

you-okay you said my love i know that bit

he chuckled snuggling into you
ashton-no more spanish guessing games, you are the most beautiful woman i have ever seen and im so happy that you're mine mi amor. now let's sleep

you smiled wrapping your arms around him

ashton-can i just quit work for you. i dont wanna leave your side, ever

you giggled
you-no you can't but you can come over right after work tommorow for takeout and maybe some of me

he smiles closing his eyes

ashton-i'll do that, goodnight mi amor [my love]

you-goodnight hermoso [beautiful]

he pulled back in shock with a smile

you-i hear it in the speech im guessing it's good?

ashton-you called me beautiful
he blushed red lying back against you

ashton-i love you
he whispered kissing your neck gently

you-go to sleep stop moving

he chuckled and sooner or later you were waking up by his voice speaking to you

ashton-i love you have a good day and when im back i better get the best kisses and you better be crazy touchy

you giggled opening your eyes to seeing him in his sexy suit

you-mmm the suit is super sexy
you smiled pulling on his half open black button up shirt

ashton-did i say i love you? i can't remember but i love you darling
he giggled kissing your forehead and walked to the door

you shouted with a whine

ashton-what baby!?

you-come here quickly!
you said with a smirk seeing him run back in

ashton-what, do you feel sick again i-

you shut him up by crawling towards the end of the bed and dragging him down to his knees now knelt at your height

ashton-wow that was sexy

you giggled kissing his lips eagerly

you-i wont get that for over 6 hours now, so i needed that

he smiled pulling you back for just 1 more

ashton-okay i seriously gotta go, have an amazing day tho yeah?

you-and you baby remember the bracelet!

ashton-i know ive got it on hunny!

you smiled falling back onto the bed

im in heaven with him.

you got ready and had a slow start to your day before it hit around 3pm.

your client had cancelled and you were starving. so..you took a drive to get some lunch and boba.

you decided to surprised ashton with some boba and afternoon kisses to keep him going with the 4 hours left of his shift today.

you arrived at the building buzzing to his floor but there was no response


you buzzed again hearing a woman talking
??-hello front desk speaking mr bello isnt available at the moment

you-oh im his fiancee could you let me up?
you lied

??-oh im so sorry of course. waiting outside until his done speaking please
she chuckled cheerily letting you up and inside

you gave her a small wave as she smiled you made your way down to his office hearing shouting

ashton-im so fucking done with you levi get out ur fucking fired!

ur ex-are you kidding me!? i work so hard-

ashton-you work hard?
he asked with a chuckle

ashton-ur messing up every single day and ur an absolutely pain in my ass, get out before i remove you myself

ur ex-this is because ur with y/n now aren't you

ashton chuckled
ashton-im sorry what do you know about my love life?

ur ex-ur wearing her favourite bracelet and shes told you lies about me so now ur firing me!

you pushed the door open clearing your throat as they both glanced to you

ur ex-y/n i didnt know you were there i-

he was caught of guard by ashton's fist hitting his face

ashton-talk bad on her again and i wont just hit you levi, i'll end you now get out

levi was quick to get up, out and leave.

your arms fell around ashton as he chuckled

ashton-ive wanted to hit him for so god damn long

you smiled kissing his lips slowly

he hummed against your lips eagerly slipping his tounge with yours over and over again

you pushed back laughing

you-calm down on the kissing baby

ashton-i cant, ive been jumpy all day and the amount of times ive had to look at this bracelet is insane

you melted into his arms as he spoke

ashton-why are you here?

you-my client cancelled. his visiting family in a different city so im yours for the hour. i brought lunch and boba guessing you would need both

he smiled sitting you onto his lap sipping the boba

he asked with his lips puckered making you laugh

you kissing his soft lips once more before lying back against him spending your time together eating and talk while he filled out some important paperwork files.

this is how you wanted to be treated.

like his entire world.

sorry if there are any spelling mistakes

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