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you arrived just a few minutes away from your house at one of your favourite lunch places.

you both went inside and took a seat talling to one another

you-how do you feel in here?
you asked him as he glanced around before looking back to you


you smiled as his hand slid into yours just staring while you read out the menu to him

you-good. okay so you can have a wrap, baguette, sandwich, pasta, salad theres lots
you glanced up to him as he glanced over to a woman ordering at the counter


you-hey ash

he quickly turn to you standing up

ashton-i can order
he offered

you-are you sure i mean i dont want you-
ashton-im positive. the only way im gonna get over this is if i talk to people. what would you like?

you-just a salad is fine
you said stubbornly glaring from the woman to him


you-anything i dont care

ashton sighed
ashton-why have you gone so stubborn

you-struborn? i haven't go order the food

you pulled your phone out watching him walk over to the counter

thr woman gave him a small smile waiting for her order, clearly.

asht ordered the food also waiting for it now

ashton-not staying to eat?
he asked her as she shook her head

??-no my kid is in the car
she chuckled

ha. now you cant go for her but it does hurt me that you did that right infront of my face

ashton-a kid? but you look so young

she chuckled
??-i am

ashton leant against the counter looking at her


he asked in shock as she pulled her hair over her shoulders

??-yeah seriously and you?

ashton-too old for you darling

she chuckled
??-oh come on,  let me guess like 25

ashton looked over in shock
ashton-how'd you know

??-did i seriously get it right?

they both laughed and he nodded

ashton-yes you got it right

??-you look so similar to my ex
she gave him a head tilt and a smile almost searching for something

ashton-what you searching for
he asked

??-nothing just admiring
she smiled now paying her full attention on him

ashton-how olds ur child
he asked tucking his left hand into his pocket

??-7 months today actually

ashton-boy or girl?
he asked very interested in her perfect little life

??-a girl
she smiled

??-i swear i know you
she said staring up to his eyes

ashton-i very much doubt that
he chuckled nervously glancing back to the counter

??-you just look so familiar im sorry
she blushed red glancing down

ashton-whats her name?
he asked breaking the silence

??-my name?

ashton chuckled
ashton-your little girl but yours too while were at it

??-my little girl is malu and im aurora

he smiled gazing down her outfit just like he would with you

you gathered your things done with the bullshit you were watching and made ur way to the door basically bursting out

??-arent you with her?
the woman asked seeing you walk out

ashton-yeah i am
he sighed

you made your way down the street on your phone before you called rowan

rowan-wasnt expecting a call from you

you-you burst into my office while i was in therapy with a patient, i didn't wanna talk to you

rowan-i was actually going to come over, as in right now
he chuckled

you-im not home

rowan-oh well that ruins my amazing plans to make our famous lunch together

you-your kidding
you chuckled remembering how you two would make lunch almost everyday together

rowan-yeah i brought all the ingredients and ur favourite wine incase you ran out

you-where tali?
you asked now walking slower down the street, your phone raised to your ear

rowan-out, she said shes going on a date
he sighed clearing his throat after to hide his sadness

you-its wrong you know. an open relationship but your literally getting married in a couple months

rowan-i know, shes pretty and all but i dont feel the way i used to about her and i dont have a clue what to do. break us of or what?

you-im almost home so i'll take you up on the lunch making offer

he chuckled
rowan-im already here

you-you liar

you walked around the corner seeing him leant against his car holding a bag from the grocery store

you ended the call smiling to him and unlocking your door

you-did you get the cracker too?

he smiled
rowan-are you stupid? its ur favourite part of course i got them

you smiled opening a few of your windows because it was crazy hot and went into the kitchen ready to make your lunch with him

he lay all the ingredients out and you smiled tying your hair back

you whispered grabbing the first couple ingredients putting them into a bowl with him

rowan-your an amazing cook you know

you-not anymore im not, i barely have time to cook


you nodded glancing over to your door seeing ashton stood there upset

his eyes fell to rowan before he walked off over to his house

it's his own fault.

sorry if there are any spelling mistakes

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