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you woke up the following morning after explaining everything to ashton and now ready to pick up the little girl

ashton-my dad has another kid?

you-just like i explained shes called ella and shes 4, his got custody and broke off the relationship but ashton i want this for you, i want you to meet her
you smiled sliding your hands up his chest

he took a deep breathe and kissed your nose gently
ashton-okay im ready

you-you sure?

he nodded taking your hips in his hands as you walked down the hallway giggling lightly

you knocked on the door and opened it to domin with ashton at your side

ashton kept his head down looking at you and fixing your hair

she shouted running over to you with the same toy from yesterday hugging your legs

the guy said in an attempt to put her back in her place

you-shes fine, i'll make sure shes back by 12 if that's okay?

he smiled
domin-yeah that's fine

you-happy birthday ella
she said glancinf down to the little girl who fiddles with ashton's rings giggling

ella-whats ur name?

ashton-im ashton, y/n's boyfriend
he smiled crouching down to her

she asked confused looking back over to domin

ashton-yeah that's me
he smiled brushing her soft blonde hair behind her ears

ashton was very confident and it made you so proud of him.

he was right infront of his main cause for all of this trauma and he was getting through it. facing it.

ella-but thats daddy's son and his got a different girlfriend

ashton-that ashton moved on, ive got a new beautiful girlfriend and your my little sister

she smiled glancing back over to the man who stood in awe

he asked and ashton glanced over to him

ashton-hi dad
he said confidently and the guy was quiet literally taken back

ashton lifted the little girl into his arms and stood back up to you

ashton-now how about a waffle with syrup for breakfast ella?

she nodded like crazy adding a giggle


you slid your hand into ashton's and walked off from the guy seeing ashton completely fine

you-baby you did it
you whispered happily giving him a kiss on the cheek

ashton-because you were right there with me sweetheart

you smiled and gently kissed his lips as he set the little girl down and the hour went as planned.

ashton acted like the best big brother and father figure he possibly could and wow he was amazing with children.

you were now on your way back to the hotel rooms as your dad called

you lifted the phone to your ear with a smile


dad-hi princess my cars are on the way to pick you up for ur racing until 2 and ur flight home is at 3

you-okay great we'll go to the lobby now

dad-okay great have fun racing

you-i will love you

dad-love you too, bye

domin opened the door and ella hugged him tightly

ella-dadddyyy, we got waffles and ice cream and then we went to a fun house and i played in the foam pit!
she explained her exciting day and he chuckled lifting her up


ella-yeah! y/n and ashton let me walk on the beach too and then i got this new teddy!
she shown him the toy you won her

dominic glanced up to ashton who fixed your shirt not wanting to look at him, clearly

you-you good baby?

he nodded adding a hum

ashton-yeah, im excited for racing

you smiled and placed a kiss on his cheek

domin-thanks for having her

you-yeah of course it was more of a brother sister bonding thing honestly
you chuckled lightly taking ashton's shaking hands in yours

you-you can go wait in the lobby for me if you want too?

ashton-no im good with you
you stated not wanting to leave your side

domin-maybe we could schedule a date ashton? i want too..catch up

ashton took a deep breathe and you saw the fear in his eyes

ashton-im pretty busy dad
he replied clearing his throat and keeping his eyes on the little girl in his arms

domin-just 1 day? all im asking of you
he practically begged him

ashton-i run 3 companys from 6am-8pm every day other than a sunday and then my sundays are shopping and spending time with my soon to be wife so my answer is no and i dont live in miami
he explained now looking at the man

he asked in shock

what. surprised ur son is successful? how rude of you.

sorry if there are any spelling mistakes

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