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warning: smut!

you sighed pulling back and slipping a shirt over your half naked body.

the shirt was red and tight and fell down to around your stomach revealing your black underwear

fuck it, they cant be that important and i feel sick all over again.

you went over to the door opening it to rowan

you-you poisoned me you know

he chuckled
rowan-excuse me?

you-ive been throwing up since last night and had this horrible dizzy feeling

rowan-oh your sick

you-yeah and i was about to go to sleep
you said rubbing your eyes

rowan-nevermind then, do you need anything? i can go grab you anything you need
he asked softly glancing down at your outfit

you-i'll be fine dont worry, what did you come here for?

rowan-my hopefully clean shirt
he chuckled

you-honestly i haven't done anything all day but have a bath and lie down im so sorry rowan
you sighed falling back onto the couch as he stood infront of you

rowan-i dont blame you and no it's okay

rowan-hey look at me dont look down

you stretched your head up looking up to him

you-how come you aren't ill?

rowan-im not sure honestly, i ate everything
he chuckled crouching down to you brushing his hand onto your face

rowan-when was you sick, last night?

you-yeah once and then 3 times this morning

oh my god. ain't no way this has just clicked in my stupid little head.
this morning.

am i..

i cant be can i? its been 1 week since i fucked rowan and 3 days + last night since ashton

stop over exaggerating, ur not pregnant

rowan-wow that food really didn't go down well did it

you shook your head squeezing his hands that lay in yours

you-yeah no, ive had soup and a cookie not long ago so im just hoping i dont throw up again

rowan-do you need me to stay? i mean im not busy and i dont like the idea of you all alone in this house at night

you-it's barely 3pm rowan im fine i swear
you smiled

ashton-y/nnn come back to bed babyy
ashton's voice echoed through the house as rowan's eyes dulled a little

rowan-and ur not alone, got it
he whispered standing up

you-hey um rowan?

he turned around glancing back to you

you-thank you for the offer, i would of said yes but i have company already
you smiled and so did he

rowan-if ur sick still tommorow call me and i'll be here

you smiled
you-thank you i'll have ur shirt clean by tommorow too

he chuckled opening the door quickly dropping his smile leaving

i feel terrible but he isn't who i want its ashton.

ashton-hey get back in here!
he shouted with a whine in his voice

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