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you went into the living room seeing rowan lying down clearly tired

you asked picking up his empty plate and placing it into the dishwasher to get cleaned

rowan-very tired
he replied with a sigh as you crouched down to him he tooo your face in his hand with a smile

you-im sorry about tali rowan i really am
you spoke softly letting his hand smooth over your cheek

rowan-im not upset about that, im upset about you

you-me? what did i do

rowan-get a boyfriend

you stared into his pretty eyes before clearing your throat and getting up

rowan-im kidding
he dragged the words grabbing your hand

rowan-cuddles? please?
he whispered in question

you-ive gotta go clean my hair and get my stuff ready for tomorrow

rowan frowned letting go of your arm

you-im sorry ro i'll say goodnight before i go to bed tho
you smiled and he nodded

you sighed falling into his arms hugging him

you-ur making me feel bad, you look so upset

rowan-i am, i don't know what to do.

you gently kissed his forehead before taking ur time washing your hair and getting your stuff ready for tomorrow.

you went into the living room seeing rowan asleep on the couch and chuckled lightly kneeling down to him

you-hey, rowan you need to go to bed hunny

his eyes fluttered open as he glanced over to you

he said confused as you sat him up

you-you need to go to your bed, i just came to say goodnight like i promised

he smiled standing up and you did the same thing

he replied in a raspy tone rubbing his eyes

and to that you fell asleep but sooner or later woke up crying and screaming to a terrible dream

you sat up panting as rowan held you in his arms asleep

you sighed falling back against your pillows

rowan-your alright calm down im here
he whispered tiredly beside you

you took a deep breathe cuddling up against him in shock from the nightmare you just had

you-when did you get in here
you asked softly as he buried his head into your neck

rowan-when you started crying, tossing and turning around 10 minutes ago. i couldn't sleep myself i dont feel well
he admitted as you ran your hands up his chest

you-you need anything like medicine or water?

rowan-no no i'll be okay i just need a cuddle

you smiled hugging him back as you felt his hands run over your thin fabricated shirt

you-im sorry about my screaming, bad dream

rowan-i know
he whispered lifting his head to yours

you-i just remember screaming but im sorry if i scared you

rowan-no its okay y/n
he smiled trying to shove aside how tired he was and focus on you.

you-go to sleep your eyes are super puffy

rowan-i don't think i can with you infront of me

his hands ran through your silky fresh hair

you-me either im sweating
you whispered sitting up in the bed taking a deep breathe as he rubbed your back gently

rowan-i can grab us both water?

you nodded rubbing your forehead
you-please yeah

he got up and seconds later came back with water passing it to you

you-thank you
you whispered sipping from the glass as he lay back behind you

rowan took a sigh hitting his head off the pillows as you placed your glass down lying back against his stomach

rowan-i feel so sick and i never get ill
he whispered melting back into your bedsheets hugging you

you-you need medicine
you replied brushing his dirty blonde hair back out his hair feeling how hot his forehead was

rowan-im freezing too
he added with his skin covered in goosebumps but his skin burning hot

you-no your not your boiling hot rowan
you sat up concerned

you-i want you to take small sips of your water and sit up. im grabbed some stuff for you okay?

he whined looking over and grabbed his water
rowan-y/n it's not necessary-

you-shh, your sick and i want to help you remember?

you went into the kitchen grabbed him the medicine needed and a thermometer

you scanned his forehead and it flashed 101.2°F [38-39°]

that's definitely not normal

you-rowan sit up
you demanded sliding onto his legs as he sat up

you-you shown him the thermometer as his eyes widened

you-youve got a fever

rowan-im over 100, you think?

you-do i take you the hospital i dont know what to do?

rowan-i dont feel crazy bad i think im gonna be okay
he smiled as you threw a couple pillows off the bed leaving just 2 for you two, the blanket and his medicine

you sat up beside him while he rested his head on your chest

you-im gonna stay up and make sure you're okay

rowan-you dont have too

you-yes i do, how have you even got sick?

rowan-probably work
he muttered against your boobs running his hands up you gently

rowan-could i sleep?

you-of course you can
you smiled and as promised stayed up regularly checking on him and making sure he was okay

he woke up to your alarm as you rolled over extremely tired

he muttered from behind you

you-i haven't even slept yet, ive been watching and checking on you. how you feeling?

he chuckled sipping from his glass of water as you checked his temperature again

still not good.

you-you cant go to work today rowan, it's still 100

rowan-im staying in your bed all day then

you giggled rolling over

you-its 6 and ive got my first patient at 10. please wake me up around 9 rowan

rowan-i will dont worry
he smiled lightly gently kissing your head

rowan deserves an amazing woman.

sorry if there are any spelling mistakes

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