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he attempted to break the silence

you-no ashton, at home
you quickly shut it down hearing a sigh fall from his lips as you arrived at his building

you-you aren't to hit anybody or get into fight do you understand me?
you asked following him inside

ashton-i'll do whatever i feel like doing
he muttered and you were now basically running behind him

you were met with a couple employees as he spun to you sliding his hands onto your arms

ashton-stay here, ask around what happened for me

you-dont hit anybody please
you begged watching him rush to his office

you-hey can somebody tell me what happened?
you asked glancing over to the 3 people sat in shock

?-2 guys came in with guns-

you-theyre armed!?
you were quick to rush to ashton and pull him aside a shot was fired your way

ashton-oh my god
he muttered in shock staring down at you

you-they failed to mention they're are armed, did you hire idiots?
you asked now frustrated yourself getting a chuckle from him

ashton-can i hit somebody now?
he panted as you heard police sirens both your heads tuned to the window

you-no need too
you smiled as the police rushed the building

??-who's in charge here?
somebody called out and ashton stepped up explaining what he knew of the situation along with his employee chiming in

this process was long and by now you were getting tired but being held awake by the blinding lights and the burning sensation in your back..

you sat down at one of the desks waiting for ashton to finish up talking to the officers

??-im his employee benard liz

??-and who's that woman?
he asked

ashton-y/n hash
he glanced over to you adding a small smile

??-does she work here?
he asked frowning at you walking over ignoring ahston's response

??-ma'am are you hurt?

you-no im okay officer
you nodded again trying your best to ignore the burning sensation that ran down your back..

??-well i do have the right to examine as you were shot at with a firearm and i'd like to check either way so could stand up for me?
he said standing up infront of you and you smiled doing as he said

he walked around your body lifting your arms and checking your clothes as you saw ashton's anger rise your lips fell into a smile

??-is anybody hurting you?
he whispered against your shoulder sliding infront of you and you frowned

oh my god he saw the damage right.. im wearing a crop top.

you-no officer
you admitted, you weren't being hurt, it was an accident.

??-you have what looks like burns on ur back do you have any idea how those happened?
he asked

burns!? oh my god its that bad?! i know he thew me against the counter but my god

??-is the person in the room with us?
he asked after a few seconds of silence and you remained silence

what am i suppose to say..i cant think of an excuse and his in the room?

you fell silent and he cleared his throat saying something into his radio before looking back to you

??-take a seat over here for me
he said pointing over to a chair near another officer and you did so

what a night for all this to happen on..

the same officer went around checking others of any harm before returning to you and his other officer

?-the suspects are under arrest im ready to take them back to the station when you are

??-everyone looks good here i'll meet you back there ive got to ring in the state jail
the officer agreed glancing down to you walking off.

??-i can't force you to say anything about ur burns because ur not under interrogation and im sorry if i made it seem like that
the familiar guy apologised for his action

you-no it's okay, it was an accident that's kinda embarrassing to say
you chuckled trying to cover it up

??-maybe mention that whilst im asking the questions hm?
he tilted his head waiting for a reply and you titled yours back

you-are you flirting with me sir?
you asked sensing his flirty tone

??-im on duty i wouldn't do such a thing
he shrugged walking into ashton's office calling in something to his radio as ashton came over to you

ashton-whats his deal with you
he asked protectively and you giggled

you-he noticed my back and it somehow turned into flirting

ashton-well ur a beautiful woman no wonder his flirting with you
he smirked sliding his hands into yours gently kissing your lips

you-thank you

ashton-i owe you an apology on your back i saw it when you spun around
he whispered and you shook your head grabbing his hands tighter

you-it was an accident, you won't do it again i got in the way and shouldn't have

ashton-you were trying to help

you-i shouldn't have done that, you may be my boyfriend but ur a patient too. i can't do that when your dealing with emotions my own emotions got in the way

ashton-tonight was alot, i could of got shot and i was willing to put myself in a physical fight that could of easily brought flashbacks
he admitted glancing down and you lifted his head back to yours

you-but you didn't

ashton-because of you
he whispered rising back up to his feet

ashton-i can't thank you enough for preventing that after what i did to your back
he hugged you tightly kissing your head gently

you-dont say that, that's not the point it was an accident ash, a mistake
you lifted your head to his with a smile

you-send ur employees home whilst we finish up here, they were held a gunpoint today

ashton-i need to get better security
he muttered walking away from you as you glanced into ashton's office seeing the officer cleaning up some of the files you went in and decided to help out

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