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you had just finished curling your hair and putting your etff away meeting ashton wlak back through the front door

you-hey stranger where'd you go

ashton glanced down at his outfit and back up to yours

ashton-to change and grab some money because after breakfast were going out
he smiled rasing his arm to the counter where breakfast lay

ashton-eat up

you took a seat beside him as his hand ran onto your thigh the other one eating his food

ashton-i love this dress
he smiled running his hand up the thin fabric as oyu glanced down

you-really? i thought it was too basic. its red, plain, thin and my boobs and literally jumping out

you both laughed as he cupped one of your boobs with his hand you gasped a little

ashton-perfect for me to play with
he smiled taking the last bite of his toast

you sat eating the rest of your food and minutes later were ready to go out

ashton-you look beautiful can i just take a minute?
he asked holding your hands stood infront of you

his eyes trailed up your legs towards your face before he froze on your face

ashton-no makeup
his lips curved into a massive smile as he placed his hands onto your face you giggled

you-how did you know

ashton-the makeup lightens your face its more tanned now and your eyes look softer rather than the eyeliner and-
he explained your little differences making you blush red on his hands

ashton-you look amazing both ways but i loveeee a clean face
he smiled exaggerating the word love

you-can we go now?

ashton-i actually dont know where were going but i wanna be with you today before im busy all week with work
he admitted running his hands back down and off your body

you nodded leading him outside and to your car

ashton-i was gonna drive cant we take my car?

you chuckled putting your hand out for him to take
you-lead the way pretty boy

he smiled at your compliment taking you to his car and you two decided on a bit of shopping. you needed a few new work clothes and food for the week so first stop was the mall.

ashton-now were...a thing
he cleared his throat deciding what to call you guys

ashton-could i still get help from you? like the sessions
he asked with a nervous little tone

you-of course you can ashton. whenever you need to talk me do it but it would be better if you saved the story times on your past for the room i'd like to move on, make you happy outside of all that
you smiled pulling up to the mall picking up your purse as he turned to you adding a sigh

ashton-good because i thought you'd cancel them but i can't go through a relationship if im not fit to be in one. i genuinely am i mess right now
he admitted watching you take his hand in yours

you-im here to help you get through it so you can move on to this relationship with me. i'm always gonna be here it's okay if you have rough days
you smiled before his arms fell around you in a loose but comforting hug

ashton-thank you baby

you pulled back opened the car door to climb out

you-of course
you blushed at his little nickname now taking his hand in yours and entering the mall

ashton-before we go any further, just a quick warning i go a little frightened around people

you-ur a CEO of many company's and work around people everyday and he frightened of them?
you asked confused as he sighed

ashton-it wasn't just my dad so im cautious of everybody
he forced a little smile tightening his grip on your hand

you-oh ash, why didn't you tell me hunny
worry spread across your face as you stared up at him

ashton-honestly, i was distracted by you. i didn't want to talk about the bad stuff because it didnt come to mind when i was in the room with you, you took my mind off it all

you took him in a hug sighing against his shoulder

you-thats amazing to hear but im gonna need to know the full stories to help you through it all okay?

he nodded pulling back
ashton-i know, slow and steady
his smile remained as you lead the way into forever21

bit by bit i'll strip him from the trauma because such a good guy like him doesn't deserve to live his life in fear

sorry if there are any spelling mistakes

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