Back Home at Last

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Percy and Annabeth had a tough night. Whether it was because of over-excitement or the busy day before the nightmares were awful. First Percy was up mumbling for the monsters to take him instead. Annabeth immediately woke him and he clung to her as if his life depended on it. She rubbed her hands through his hair whispering that she was alright and he didn't have to worry. A few hours later it was Annabeth dreaming that Percy was gone. Right away Percy pulled her into his lap and stroked her hair. Finally around 3 am they fell back asleep. The couple woke up the next morning during breakfast. Percy rolled over to see Annabeth asleep. She was prettier than any goddess in Percys opinion. He thumbed over her cheek. Annabeth's eyes fluttered open. 

"Morning Wise Girl" 

Annabeth smiled snuggling closer to him "Morning Seaweed Brain, are you feeling better?" A question they asked each other regularly after nightmares.

 Percy smiled and nodded but then scrunched his eyebrows in worry "Are you okay, last night was a bad one? If you're not ready to go today we don't have to" Annabeth nodded back and gave him a kiss. 

She loved Percy so much and the fact that he was willing to put off seeing his family to make sure she was okay made her heart swell even more "We are going today Perce, i'm just as excited to see Sally and Paul"

 Percy immediately lit up and said "I cant believe it, I actually get to see my mom, I mean I thought i'd be dead by now or--" 

Annabeth caught him off "Its not your fault and your staying alive with me"

 Percy grinned sitting up "as long as we're together". Percy and Annabeth quickly got ready. They decided to skip breakfast and instead took their bags to Argus's van. After loading there stuff in Piper and Jason came running. 

Piper pulled them both into a hug "stay safe" 

Percy smirked "we will try are best Pipes" 

Jason hugged them both and turned to Annabeth "try to keep him out of trouble" 

Percy pouted "Bro, I thought you were on my side" 

Jason grinned "Im on the side of safety bro" 

Annabeth chuckled "Ill try my best to keep him out of trouble Jason" Jason nodded and they said their final goodbyes, promising to visit each other soon. Percy and Annabeth loaded into the van. Immediately when Argus started driving Percy's knee started bouncing up and down. Annabeth noticing, grabbed his hand and started rubbing circles on his knuckles. Percy smiled at her greatfully. After a little bit longer Annabeth was reading and Percy was asleep drooling on her shoulder. Some thing never changed. 

When they finally arrived after what felt like the longest drive ever, Annabeth shook Percy awake. Percy looked to the side and it looked like a child at Christmas. He lit up at the sight of his building and Annabeth couldn't help the smile spreading across her face. They hopped out the van grabbing their bags. Percy stood outside the building looking at it for a solid five minutes as if waiting for the Gods to take it away. Annabeth didn't blame him as it was very much a possibility. 

"Lets go in" she whispered. Percy nodded grabbing her hand and squeezing it. They walked in and turned to the stairs. Elevators were not something they were ready to brave yet. After climbing three flights easily and walking down a hallway they were there. 

Percy took a big breath and put his arm around Annabeths waist "I think i'm ready"

 Annabeth super excited and a bit impatient urged him forward "Knock" Percy rapped his hand against the door once when it revealed Sally. She stood there in her kitchen apron tears already in her eyes. 

Percy started tearing up to "Im home Mom" Percy let go of Annabeth and gave Sally a hug sinking tot he floor with her. Hearing the commotion Paul ran in. He looked from a crying Sally and Percy to Annabeth tearing up in the door way. 

Paul smiled "you brought him home."

 Annabeth laughed through her tears "It was a group effort". After a lot more hugs the older and younger couple found themselves at the kitchen table. 

Percy was asking about the baby "can I see an echoey picture?"

 Annabeth raised an eyebrow "you mean an ultrasound?" Percy nodded eagerly and Sally handed him one. 

Once again Percy started crying, Annabeth grab his hand under the table and Percy asked through tears "It is Pauls right?" 

The whole table started to laugh and Sally said through laughter "Its not another Godly one Percy" 

Percy smiled "good." 

Sally turned to Annabeth "Im glad your here Annabeth" 

Annabeth was nearly brought to tears as she said "Im glad your letting me be here"

 Sally smiled wide "of course, Annabeth your basically my daughter, I love you so much and I couldn't be happier that Percy found you"

 Percy pulled Annabeth towards him "so am I" 

Sally stood abruptly "I almost forgot" 

She hurried into the kitchen and Percy turned towards Paul "what is she doing?" 

Paul shrugged innocently "Its a surprise" When Sally walked in next it was with a giant plate of blue cookies. Percy dove into them immediately but made sure to hand Annabeth one who accepted greatfully. 

Sally finally asked the question Annabeth had been waiting for "you don't have to tell me if your not ready, but what happened this war?" Percy swallowed his cookie and turned to Annabeth. They had a silent conversation and finally Percy sighed and started. He went through everything from Alaska to Tartarus to his nose bleed. When he was done everyone at the table was in tears. 

Sally stood and hugged her son "Im so sorry Percy" 

"No Mom it wasnt your fault, it wasnt anyones" 

Annabeth muttered "besides Hera's" 

Percy nodded as thunder rumbled "except hers" 

Sally looked from Percy to Annabeth "i'm glad you have each other" 

Annabeth looked lovingly at Percy "me too" 

Percy kissed the top of her head "me three." 

Sally then squealed a bit "whens the wedding?" 

The demigods blushed and Annabeth responded "when this one decides to propose, but before the end of summer"

 Sally looked sternly at Percy "well get proposing"

 He chuckled "on it" 

The family spent the rest of the night talking going to sleep late. Percy and Annabeth slept better then they expected but still not well. They both had nightmares but calmed down quicker then usual. Sally and Paul felt helpless seeing the couple like this but knew the best hing they could do was let them handle it. 

The next two weeks Percy and Annabeth spent getting used to the city again. Percy was trying to avoid anywhere he might see his school friends from sophomore and the beginning of junior year. He told Annabeth he needed to think of a good explanation for his disappearance but  she knew he really just needed time to adjust. After two relaxing weeks they were thrown back into hell. The first day of school had arrived.

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