First Day Back pt.2

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Quick thing: Italics is Greek, Bold is Latin

Once the Percy entered Greek class with his friends he immediately started searching the room for Annabeth. He had this class with all of his friends, Alissa, Cole, Max, Jack, and Darren. And according to Cole, Josie also had this class. He was gonna use this period to introduce them to Annabeth. Right when he saw the familiar rush of blonde hair walk in he stepped forward, only to be intercepted. Josie stood in front of him and punched his arm. 

"Hey!!!" he said "what was  that for?" 

Josie rolled her eyes "disappearing you dumb ass" 

Percy laughed "good to see you to Josie" 

Josie finally moved aside to reveal Annabeth "you really are a Seaweed Brain" Percy chuckled and his friends looked at him weirdly. Annabeth rolled her eyes fondly as the teacher Mr. Dane told them to take their seats. He assigned them each seats and showed the seating chart on the board. All of Percy's friends were still wondering what had just happened. Josie and Alissa especially having already met Annabeth. Percy and Annabeth were at opposite sides of the room, Percys friends scattered through the rest of it. 

Alissa was already whispering to Jack "what was that about?" 

He shrugged then said "that girl looks familiar" 

Mr Dane started class "we will start with a small quiz so I can gage the knowledge level on the greeks and there myths" Annabeth nearly started laughing, this was her whole life.

 As the papers were passed out she looked to Percy and mouthed "race ya" he nodded eagerly. Darren caught that interaction and looked back and forth between them then whispered what had happened to Cole. 

Cole whispered "what was with her calling him Seaweed Brain, that seems kind of mean" 

Darren whispered back "I know right" 

"Mr. Carter and Daniels stop talking" Max from behind them stifled a laugh. "Ready begin" Mr. Dane said. 

Percy and Annabeth immediately started writing. Within two minutes they were finished. They both stood at the same time drawing the attention of the class. Then they both sprinted to the desk Annabeth placing her paper down just a second before Percy.

 "No fair" Percy whined in ancient greek 

"Alls fair in love and war Perce

Percy chuckled "but I was farther back a row and you have five more years of training

Annabeth rolled her eyes "sure blame the runaway"

 Percy smiled "but your my runaway

Annabeth laughed "your brain is really full of seaweed

Percy grinned "but you love me for it

Annabeth grinned back "I do love you

Percy finally looked around the room "why is everyone staring?

"Probably because we were talking in Greek" someone gasped and Annabeth grimaced "and we just switched to latin, we can finish this conversation later

"Love you Wise Girl" Percy switched to greek.

"Love you Seaweed Brain" Finally Annabeth switched back to english and said "did we pass?" She looked toward Mr. Dane and Percy chuckled at the fact that, that was what Annabeth was worried about. 

Mr. Dane regrouping after his shock skimmed the papers "you both missed one" 

"What?" Percy said in disbelief.

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