Field Trip 2(MET)

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It took Annabeth 20 minutes to get Percy out of bed on the morning of the Met field trip, luckily she was prepared and had set up her alarm to wake them thirty minutes early. Finally after Annabeth poured a cold glass of water on his head he sat up and dried himself pouting at her evil grin. 

"I don't want to go" he whined

"Deal with it" she said rolling her eyes. They got up and finished getting ready both adding an extra weapon to themselves. Percy wasn't that worried about a monster attack. He knew that Kelli would take a while to get back from Tartarus so he didn't have to worry about her. Thinking about the events of the day before made Percy shutter. He looked up and saw Annabeth futzing with her camp necklace and smiled. She was okay and that mattered most. They left the house deciding to walk to school that day since they ended up having an extra few minutes.  As they walked Percy started listing reasons why Annabeth shouldn't make him take the SAT's. 

"I already got into New Rome, Wise Girl. I didn't even have to take a stupid test to do it" 

Annabeth rolled her eyes "no we just had to risk our lives a gazillion times" 

Percy smirked "but no tests" 

Annabeth glared at him "we can discuss the SAT's later for now think of them as a competition. If you take them and get a passing grade I will let you pick date night movies for a whole year" She offered her hand and Percy shook it. When they arrived in front of school the buses were already there and there friends were lined up to get on them. Percy dragged Annabeth to them. Cas waved and Garret offered a hello but other than that there friends were oddly silent.

 When Percy couldn't take it anymore he asked "whats going on? why are you all so quiet?" 

Max answered "didn't you hear dude? The Mr. Dane is our chaperone and for some reason he is pissed at you guys. We were all told not to talk to yo--"

 Mr. Dane cut him off "Is there any reason you are talking to Mr. Jackson, Max?" Max shook his head and shot Percy a sorry look. 

It was Josie who finally broke the star down between Mr. Dane and Percy, "Im sorry Mr. Dane you can be made at Percy, but you can not dictate who we talk to"

 Annabeth nodded proudly and Mr. Dane looked dumbfounded finally he just looked to Percy and Annabeth and said "my wife told me everything. I know your secret" and walked away. Percy rolled his shoulders back and Annabeth rolled her eyes. This mortal was the least of their worries. 

Cole gave Josie a high five than asked "what did he mean?" 

Annabeth before Percy could say something stupid said "he knows I did Percys homework for him one day" 

Darren took and exaggerated gasp "the Annabeth helped Percy cheat" Annabeth shrugged and Percy smiled tugging her closer. A few minutes later they got on the bus and got going. The bus ride was fairly long and they and their friends spent it talking about what the wanted to do at the museum.  All of them agreed they wanted to see the ancient civilazations exhibits. Finally they arrived at the museum. Percy gripped Annabeth's hand tightly as they exited the bus, Annabeth rubbed her thump over it reassuringly. Once the got out of there bus they grouped up with their chaperones. Percabeth and there friends were all with Mr. Dane who was still glaring at them. More so Percy then Annabeth. 

Mr.Dane finally said "you all voted to see the ancient civilazations exhibits so let's start there" They started to walk towards the front and when Percy say the fountain Nancy Bobofit got dragged into he chuckled a bit. He was still a troubled kid but at least he had some experience. Garret started geeking out over the architecture with Josie and Annabeth as they walked in. Cole and Max were surprised, Percy seemed to be listening intently to Annabeth. It came as a surprise since they figured Percy didn't care about old columns. Percy in truth wasn't really listening he just liked the sound of Annabeth's voice and the way her eyes sparkled when she talked about architecture. 

Darren and Jack were whispering to each other "they seem off don't you think?" Jack asked. 

Darren shrugged "they seem as normal as they can get" 

Jack groaned "notice how Percy keeps scratching the back of his neck I think he's nervous and how Annabeth is unknowingly tracing his tattoo its odd" 

Darren shrugged again now rubbing his neck "I don't know Jack it seems wrong to not let them figure things out on there own" 

Jack sighed "i guess your right I just think there in trouble" 

Darren shook his head "if there was anything wrong Percy would tell us, he is loyal to a fault" Jack begrudgingly nodded and they went back toward there friends. Percy was still listening to Annabeth when they came up to the Greco-Roman exhibit. 

Alissa immediately ran in and scoured the artifacts "look its a laurel and looked at this pottery and this shield oh and this.--" 

Max cut her off "Alissa we can see it to" The group chuckled and began to look around Mr. Dane at some point left them to there own devices as they were nearly 18 and the teachers needed to regroup. Percy and Annabeth walked slowly chuckling at some very innacurate paintings and statues of the gods. Percy was talking to Jack when he felt Annabeth's hand tighten around his. He looked towards her and then through her line of vision saw the small sculpted model of Arachne and her silk webs. 

Percy pulled her away slowly and pulled her close "she's gone Wise Girl, I know I made sure of it" Percy's voice weakened a little. He knew he had scared Annabeth in their time in Tartarus but something about the vengefulness he felt towards Arachne scared him to. He had enjoyed killing the monster that hurt Annabeth so much. Annabeth nodded and he kissed her head

 "Thanks Perce" she said grabbing his hand 

"Anytime" Their friends turned away quickly pretending not to notice the moment that had just happened but failed. J

osie walked over with Cas "My little brother also hates spiders" 

Cas agreed "so do I" Annabeth smiled at them and they continued through the exhibit. Mr. Dane eventually met back up with them. Annabeth was getting very suspicious since no monsters had come near them. But she wasn't gonna worry about it. Percy was oddly at ease. Monsters were a normal accurence but maybe they were on vacation or something. That thought honestly unsettled him. What if they were regrouping?

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