PRANK sincerely, the new Hermes kids

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Heres the thing about proposing it was terrifying. Percy and Annabeth left school Friday night and took a cab to camp. Percy made sure to pack the ring which he planned to propose with on Saturday. 

When they got to camp Friday night every one was acting normal. Shelby was glaring at them. Clarisse was yelling. Katie was chasing Connor and Travis with a flower pot. Piper and Jason were on a quest along with Leo so they would be back the next day. Frank and Hazel were at camp. Grover and Juniper would be at camp on Saturday, but were still currently in Michigan. 

When the couple got there they sat on the Poseidon cabin bed. Percy was trying to keep calm thinking about his proposal the next night. Annabeth was telling him about Cas's new guitar she had been show and Percy was trying his best to focus.  He should have been worried about the two new Hermes kids right then. Annabeth eventually said she was gonna grab a new book from the Athena Cabin and Percy nodded giving her a sweet kiss and telling her to be careful even though it wasn't that far away. He then went to search the room for a good place to stash the ring. That was until he heard a scream.


Jack and Daniel Wurthing were the two newest editions to the Hermes cabin. They were 16 years old and had known of their parentage there whole life but were raised at home. Now it was a widely known rule around camp not to prank the Athena kids. Especially if Annabeth was there and more especially if Percy was there. Jack and Daniel didn't care. They had been told this rule by Travis and Connor, when they were planning to prank the Athena Cabin with 5 daddy long legs spiders that they found by the lava wall. 

They didn't heed Travis's warning about Annabeth or Connors about Percy. They didn't even heed the warning about the rest of the Athena kids. So that Friday they happened to have their plan put into action. Jack snuck into the Athena cabin and placed one spider on the bookshelf, one on the head counselors bed, one on the bathroom door knob, one on the desk, and a last one on the wall. 

Daniel whistled signaling that someone was coming. That someone happened to be Annabeth Chase. They giggled to each other acting nonchalant by the cabin next door. Travis and Connor came running up asking what was so funny. Before they could answer a scream pierced the air. Thats when they knew they were in trouble.


Annabeth decided to go get a book from the Athena cabin because she could tell Percy was stressed about something and didn't want to interrupt his thinking. She walked to the cabin and noticed to new campers laughing by cabin seven. She chose to ignore it though as Connor and Travis went running up to them. They could deal with it, she thought. She entered the room and headed to the bookshelf. She pulled out a book when she felt something tickle the back of her hand. 

She turned it over and froze. A daddy long legs was on the back of her hand. After her moment frozen she shook it off, and tried to scream but her voice wasn't working. Her ankle started to hurt in phantom pain and she stumbled back only to see another one on the bathroom door. Percy was hanging above her in the pit wrapped in a spiders web. She couldn't save him. Arachne had won. 

Her ankle began to burn and it felt like all her scars started to re open. She whimpered again and fell to the floor only to spot three more spiders. 

She whimpered quietly "help, someone, help him" Percy was still hanging above her. Finally her voice came back to her as she felt the scars on her collarbone from Arachnes spiders burn "PERCY, NO, SAVE HIM, HELP" Seconds later the door burst open as she felt herself start to collapse falling into the pits of Tartarus.


Percy recognized the scream. He knew his Wise Girls voice anywhere. He bolted from his cabin stuffing the ring in his dresser drawer. He ran barefoot to the Athena Cabin. On his way there he saw to new campers looking ghastly pale and Connor and Travis glaring at them. His brain moved faced as he started to realize what was happening, but his main concern was getting too Annabeth. He ran into the room just as Annabeth completely crumpled into herself holding her ankle and shaking as if from cold. One f her hands was clawing at her collarbone and Percy immediately knew why. He looked around the room and spotted 5 spiders. He would worry about them later. He felt tears form in his eyes as he ran to Annabeth, grabbing her hands and stopping her from reopening the old wounds. 

"Wise Girl" he said softly "Im here 'Beth" 

Annabeth was still shaking "save me, save him" 

Percy felt tears drip down his cheeks "Annabeth open your eyes, i'm right here, your safe, as long as i'm alive i'll make sure she can never touch you again" he carefully placed Annabeth on his lap who had stopped shaking but was still muttering "let me see your eyes Annabeth, open your eyes theres no sun in Tartarus theres sun here" He was sobbing at that point. He kissed her forehead and wiped her tears with his thumb. "Come on Wise Girl" By then Chiron was in the cabin doorway along with Clarisse, Hazel, and Frank. 

Annabeth whined "it hurts Perce, my ankle" 

Percy brushed her hair away from her face "together Annabeth, we will face it together" He reached for her shoulder and brushed past the scar on it. 

Her eyes fluttered open red and puffy with tears. "there coming for me Perce" she said meekly "the spiders" Percy kissed her and nodded to Frank and Hazel to come in and get rid of them. Percy felt her tears against his neck and his threatened ti mix with her own. 

"Im here" he promised "I will never leave, i'm safe and your safe" 

Annabeth nodded and muttered "It hurts"

 She was wearing long leggings and Percy asked "can I look?" Annabeth nodded and Percy carefully rolled up her leggings so he could see her ankle, the scar on it looked slightly bruised and irritated from her holding it so tightly, but other then that he sighed in relief to see it was phantom pain.

 "What exactly happened Annabeth?" Chiron asked. Percy whispered her the question again knowing his was the only voice she would be able to focus on for another minute.

 "It was one me, and then there were more, all the spiders. And she had you Perce. She had you and we fell and it was all my fault" 

Percy turned her so she was facing him "I would fall for you a thousand times Annabeth Chase, I love you more then life" He was crying "I will never leave you"

 Annabeth smiled slightly through her still teary eyes "I love you to Seaweed Brain" Percy asked if she wanted to go back to his cabin and picked her up bridal style when she said yes. He could tell her ankle still hurt with phantom pain so she couldn't walk. 

Clarisse was fuming at the door "WHO DID THIS?" She yelled. 

Annabeth murmured "two new campers were suspicious" Percy nodded knowing exactly who she was talking about. He walked out of the cabin holding Annabeth and with Clarisse storming behind. When he got out he saw Travis and Connor yelling at the two new campers. He sent them a glare knowing that would scare them more than whatever Travis and Connor had to say. When he got back to the cabin Annabeth was asleep in his arms. He laid down next to her and they skipped dinner falling asleep in each others arms. The next morning they both woke up refreshed and Annabeth was back to wanting to kill the new campers. 

They did happen to wake up very early though which meant it was perfect for Percys plan.

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