Proposal Planning and Dinner

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Annabeth was out shopping with Paul. She needed supplies for an architecture project and he needed teaching stuff. That left Percy and Sally a good hour at home alone. Percy was so happy he finally got to look at the ring. Sally the second after her husband and her basically daughter in law left yelled for Percy to get the ring. He nodded eagerly and ran to his room carefully opening the dresser drawer. He picked up the ring box carefully. It was a small velvet black box with small grey writing on it in greek. It said The Rivalry Ends Here. Percy smiled at the box and went to the kitchen table where Sally was sitting. He sat and placed the. box in front of him. 

Sally asked "what are you waiting for?" 

Percy shrugged "I guess, i'm nervous I mean what if the gods are messing with me?"

 Sally clicked her tongue "they wouldn't dare with something this important" 

Percy grumbled "they've dared before" 

Sally scolded "Open it Perce or you will never find out" She stood and put a hand on Percys shoulder "You know i'm so happy for you Percy, I'm glad you have Annabeth" she paused "and as much as it hurts me to know I am no longer the most important person to you I am glad Annabeth has that title" Percy opened his mouth to say something but his mom was right. Sally was high up there but Annabeth was the most important person to Percy. Sally smiled at her son "and I am happy we will soon be family"

 Percy returned the smile "thanks mom, and you know I still love you right?" 

She ruffled his hair "of course I know that sweetheart, I love you to" she burst "now open that box" Percy nodded and reached for the box. He opened it and it was like beauty burst out of the box.

 The ring was on a silver band, there was diamond in the center cut like an emerald. On the sides were two sea green stones in little waves. Around the rest pf the ring were small diamonds and surrounding the main emerald cut diamond in a circle were small grey stones. The engraving on the inside of the band said in greek You're Not Getting Away From Me. Never Again. Percy's eyes watered with tears, and he smiled. He knew exactly what was gonna be written on their wedding bands. 

Sally broke into tears and hugged Percy "its beautiful sweetheart" Percy nodded and carefully picked up the box taking a closer look at the ring. It sparkled with just enough magic that Percy couldn't help but laugh. The gods for once cared. He couldn't be happier. 

He closed the box and Sally asked "so whats your plan for the proposal?" 

Percy shrugged "normally I do my best work when winging it so I haven't planned what I'm gonna say, but I know where i'm gonna propose. I was thinking the beach by the lake we were thrown into on our first kiss" he corrected "second kiss, but I would rather not go back to the volcano where we had our first kiss" 

Sally smiled saying something like that way just like Percy "I'm sure that will be perfect, now go put the ring away i'm sure they will be home soon" Percy nodded smiling to himself. He placed the ring back in the night stand carefully and took out his science homework. He went and sat on the couch smiling when he heard the door open. Annabeth walked in a few seconds later for the poster board for her project. Percy jumped up and gave her a sweet kiss which she smiled into. 

When they broke apart Annabeth sat on the couch next to him and said "You will never guess what Paul told me" 

Percy raised an eyebrow "what" 

She said "well some teachers from Goode are coming here for dinner tonight" 

Percy groaned "Nooooo, why didn't he tell us sooner?" 

Annabeth sighed "It was supposed to be next weekend but they all mixed up the date so now its tonight, he got the calls asking what time to come over tonight while we were at the store" 

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