Open House/ Parent Teacher Conferences

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Theres a lot of things that are hard when you're a demigod: Living past 16, falling into hell, blowing up a volcano, and oh yeah parent teacher conferences. For Percy and Annabeth though parent teacher conferences were harder than most. For Annabeth because she was a run away and had never really dealt with it and for Percy because well he hadn't known who is father was until he basically was skipping school every week to save the world. Plus Percy doubted any of the gods would want to go to a teacher parents conference. Sally of course would but when Percy was young she was always working, so it really didn't make much sense. 

It was a few days after the incident. Percy and Annabeth were as clingy as ever especially since she was still curing from the poison from the arai. She was still a bit pale and shaky and more tense then usual, Percy was also as noticed by there friends always fidgeting with this pen. Seriously what was with the kid and this ball point pen? 

Anyway it was in there lunch time that this announcement blasted over the speakers "Attention Goode High Guinea Pigs" Annabeth snorted into her hand and Percy turned slightly red seeing her laugh "tonight is parent teacher conferences and open house as i'm sure you all may have figured out by now. Emails were sent to your parents and were hoping they can all make it tonight. Can't wait to see you all there, GO GUINEA PIGS!!!" 

Cole said "ugh I hope my parents cant come, then i'm going to have a lot of explaining to do" 

Darren nodded and Josie asked "are you all coming tonight with your parents?" everyone nodded except Percy and Annabeth who were having an eye conversation. 

Alissa snapped in between them "can we be allowed in this conversation?"

 Percy and Annabeth turned toward there friends and Percy asked "what was the question?" Annabeth rolled her eyes at Percy as Alissa repeated the question. 

Annabeth answered "I don't know if us or our parents are coming tonight" 

Jack pouted "come on it will be fun"

 Percy shook his head "I don't know if fun is the word to describe it" 

Max said "come on dude i'm sure there will be something fun to do while our teachers are tattling on us to our parents"

 Annabeth said "maybe" and that was the end of the conversation because with Annabeth maybe meant maybe and that was that. That night when they got home there was a surprise waiting for them.


They walked into the house, Annabeth leaning her head on Percy's shoulder as they held hands. Thats when chaos started there was yelling a lot of yelling. Both demigods grabbed there swords and moved towards the kitchen where the yelling was coming from. They walked in to an interesting sight. Athena and Poseidon were standing in the middle of the kitchen yelling swear words at each other in ancient greek, while Sally and Paul were desperatley trying to come them down. 

"HEY" Annabeth yelled and all eyes turned to her including Percy. "What the Hades is going on here"

 Poseidon turned to them "ahhh Percy my boy and Annabeth we have come for parent teacher night" 

Athena rolled her eyes "as Sea Scum said we have come to meet your teachers" Both the demigods eyebrows raised in alarm.

 "Are we sure thats a good idea" Percy asked. 

Athenas eyes turned icy "do not ask such questions Perseus" 

Sally butted in as Poseidon turned to Athena as if preparing another insult "Its okay sweetheart" Sally said "they just want to meet your teachers, me and Paul invited them" 

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