Percy's Panic

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The weekend after the Matt Sloan incident everything was normal. Percy and Annabeth were talking about camp stuff. 

"I don't know" Percy said "Chiron been acting weird" 

Annabeth nodded "I agree and I don't like it" They sat for another minute debating about what was happening when Annabeth left to grab something she had left in the car. They had a project due and she had forgotten her Science book in the car. Percy wasn't worried because Sally and Paul were both in the parking lot installing a carseat. Percy did however start worrying after ten minutes. Then the door burst open. Percy stood reaching for riptide and turned. 

Annabeth's arm was bleeding and she had a cut down her lip. Paul was helping her get inside as she seemed dizzy. Percy ran up letting Annabeth collapse into his arms.

 "What happened?" he demanded. He stroked Annabeth hair.

Sally placed a hand on his shoulder trying to get him to calm down. Sally was also worried as she loved Annabeth like a daughter but Percy getting upset wouldn't fix anything. If anything he would just make more gods angry. Percy was really good  at that.

 Sally answered "empousa attack" 

Percy clenched his jaw and then looked at Annabeth so he could see her "you okay 'Beth?" he asked. 

She nodded meekly clearly mad at herself for getting hurt "stupid Kelli and her friends" By then Paul had already grabbed nectar and Ambrosia. Percy led Annabeth to the couch and helped her lay down. He kissed her forehead and then poured some nectar on her arm and fed her some Ambrosia. Annabeth gripped his arm as the nectar seeped in. Percy winced, if only he had been there. 

Annabeth smiled up at him "Im fine Perce, stop worrying" Percy tried for a smile but it came out as a grimace. She rolled her eyes "Im going to go change Seaweed Brain, its not like I broke my leg, its just a small scratch" Percy knew she was fine and knew she would be but as Annabeth left the question rang through his mind what if she hadn't been fine . He knew Annabeth was tough and most likely only got injured because she was focused on protecting Paul and Sally. Not to mention Kelli had been an extremely vengeful monster. Percy sat on the couch putting his head in his hands, all the what ifs wading through him.

 Sally sat next to him "she's fine sweetheart, it honestly wasn't bad. Kelli attacked and Annabeth defended like she does. She only got hurt when she turned back to check on us and yell at us to get up here to make sure you were okay." Percy nodded but his breathing started to quicken. Annabeth was hurt because of him. Because he had made all these enemies. Because he hadn't been there. Because she was too busy worrying about him. The world started to spin. Blood... dripped through his mind. What if? What if? What if? What if she wasn't okay? What would he do without her? No, that thought needed to leave, but soon he was drawn back into Tartarus right after the arai. She thought he had left her and that was her fear. And now he had just let her get hurt. He barely felt Sally shaking his shoulder, barely heard her call for Paul. Barely heard Annabeth's footsteps as she ran into the room. Then she grabbed his hand and the sounds started to focus. 

"Breath Seaweed Brain, i'm fine, I promise i'm fine" 

Percys eyes started to clear "my fault" he mumbled. A

nnabeth grabbed his face in her hands "listen very closely Percy, it's not your fault. It has never been your fault" 

Percy felt tears start to slide down his eyes "they all died because I couldn't protect them. I need to be able to protect you" 

Annabeth slid her fingers through his hair "Percy breath with me okay?" he nodded and she took a few exaggerated breaths which she followed. When he had finally calmed down he pulled Annabeth into his side and breathed in her lemon shampoo. 

"Better now Seaweed Brain" she asked worriedly. Percy nodded and Annabeth held out her arm "see i'm fine Percy, completely fine" 

Percy nodded and gave her a kiss "what if you weren't though Annabeth?

" Annabeth said completely serious "the only time I wouldn't be fine would be if something happens to you" Percy smiled, they would be fine as long as they had each other. Which he knew they always would. Annabeth placed her hand on his and he smiled seeing the ring. They would always have each other. They spent the rest of the night watching movies. 

When they finally went to bed Annabeth suddenly remembered something "don't we have the MET field trip tommorow" Percy groaned into his pillow and Annabeth laughed "we will deal with it Percy. Together." 

He grinned "always Wise Girl"

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