Mortal Sleepover/ Confrontation/ Reveal

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Percy was on the floor when the mortals ran up. Annabeth nodded to Piper to get the rest of the demigods away from the scene. Piper whistled and they all followed her running back to camp except for Nico and Will who was running back. 

Annabeth was at Percy's side when Cole screamed "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK" Annabeth ignored him and removed Percys hand from his side as he groaned.

 Cas said "is he-- is he okay" 

Will who walked up with Nico tossed Annabeth ambrosia as Nico said "he's been through worse" 

Max asked "what is this what reality tv show are we on" Will looked to Annabeth who had put Percys head in her lap and was combing her fingers through his hair and holding her hand over his wound. 

Annabeth sighed as Will started to pour nectar on Percys wound.

 Annabeth finally said "meet me at Percys house tonight and I promise we will explain everything" 

Max and Darren started to argue but Garret said "I think we have to trust her--" the mortals turned to him "I mean look at them its clearly not a good time for Percy and Annabeth to explain" the mortals all finally took a good look at the scene at how exhausted Annabeth looked and the tears forming in her eyes. At Percys sleeping and in pain form. At the scar forming on his stomach and the paleness of his face. 

Cas said "we will meet you at your house tonight and sleepover deal" 

Annabeth nodded "deal" The mortals started to walk back to there picnic not being able to shake the sight of the fight for the rest of the day or the sight of injured Percy on the floor and Annabeths concern. Maybe Percy and Annabeth had been protecting them....


Annabeth was shaking when the mortals walked away. The wound was worse then she had let on. 

Will grabbed her shoulder "he will be fine he probably wont wake up for a few hours though. Neeks will shadow travel you home" Annabeth nodded and kissed Percys forehead. She looked to the new scar on his stomach and sighed. Always them. And now there mortal firends would be in danger. She needed a plan.... a plan... a plan.... She was spiraling until she felt Percy shift she smiled slightly he was okay and she needed to focus on that. Nico shadow traveled them back to there room and Percy and her were in bed. Nico and Will left the room to explain to Sally and Paul as Annabeth laid down next to Percy she had a few hours until the mortals showed up and a few more until Percy woke up. According to her calculations he wouldn't wake up for at least another three hours.  Especially with the pain killing spell Will added to Percy. She looked at him a good look. He still drooled when he slept. She smiled lightly. Her Seaweed Brain. It still shocked her sometimes that of all people she fell so deeply in love with Percy but she was happy she fell in love with that annoying kid she met when she was twelve. She felt herself fall asleep. 

She was woken about two hours later to Sally saying "Annabeth your friends are here" Annabeth nodded looking down at Percy to check on him. He was still sleeping but color was starring to return to his face. Annabeth looked at he scar on Percy's torso it was raised and red and definitely would need to be checked up on by Will over the next few days. She kissed his forehead and grabbed his Goode swim team sweatshirt from the closet putting it on and inhaling the smell of the sea. 

Annabeth then walked out of the room to find all the mortals on the floor of there living room. All staring at her in a way she didn't like. She felt bad feeling herself glare but couldn't help it. 

"Sooo...." Cas started

Annabeth sighed "Percy's still sleeping he should be up soon though" 

Max asked "hes okay right" 

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