Swim Tryouts

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Swim Team tryouts were interesting. The day had started normally. Nightmares, classes, annoying mortals. Percy and Annabeth were sitting by the pool waiting for the locker rooms to open so Percy could change for swim tryouts. 

"Remember what we discussed Seaweed Brain?" 

He nodded and grumbled "no cheating" 

She laughed "thats correct" 

Percy huffed pulling her closer "its not my fault that i'm literally a fish out of water" Annabeth shook her head fondly and reached up to kiss him. 

They were interrupted by a yell "NO PDA" Max screamed running up to them with Darren trailing behind him. 

"Where's Cole" Annabeth asked. 

Darren shrugged "running late as always" 

Percy grinned and asked "are the locker rooms finally opened?" 

Darren nodded "yeah, it to Coach forever to get here today" 

"He was just teaching our class though" Annabeth mused. 

Max nodded "she makes a good point" 

Annabeth rolled her eyes and kissed Percy on the cheek "go change, i'll wait for you on the bleachers" She stood up to leave when Percy grabbed her and spun her back towards him planting a sweet kiss on her lips. 

When they parted she looked like a fish gasping for air "your impossible" she said smiling.

 "Love you to" Percy responded. Cole who had just walked up, his jaw dropped. Annabeth smirked and walked toward the bleachers tightening her ponytail. Percy raised an eyebrow as they started walking toward the locker room. 

"You realize you just said the L word Perce?" Cole asked. 

Percy stifled a laugh "were not five year olds Cole" 

Max added on to Coles statement "don't get me wrong Perce you guys seem tight but Love is a strong word" 

Percy extremely confused answered "its true though, I really do love her" 

Darren patted Percy on the back "there just jealous, Max and Alissa barely even like each other" 

Max scowled "untrue we like each other very much" 

Percy laughed and Darren turned to Cole "and he wont even admit his feelings for Josie" Cole turned bright red and hid his face in his hands as they entered to locker room and started unlocking their lockers. 

Percy nudged Darren "how about you and Jack?" 

Darren shrugged "we will see where our relationship takes us, i'm sure it took you and Annabeth a while to figure stuff out" 

Percy laughed "sort of, I mean we've been in love a long time, probably before we were even dating" 

They started to change and Cole asked "then why didn't you start dating sooner?" 

Percy smiled thinking about it "well the first time we met wasn't ideal, and her mom really hates me because of an old family feud thing" Percy pulled of his shirt leaving Darren who hadn't seen the scars yet and only heard of them gasping, Percy grimaced and continued "according to aphro--I mean Aunty A, we had crushed on each other since we were twelve" 

Cole rolled his eyes "that still hasn't answered why you didn't start dating sooner"

 Percy laughed "because of hubris" 

"Hummus?" Max said in disbelief, 

Percy laughed more "no hubris, like stubborn pride, we were both too stubborn to make the first move" Percy thought for a second "well technically she mad the first move both times" Their first kiss and the day the war ended. 

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