A Super Strange Sleepover

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The long night began like any long night does with pounding rain. Poseidon and Athena had already left the house so Percy and Annabeth couldn't grill them about it. Sally offered to make hot chocolate and everyone agreed. Annabeth excused herself to go change when everyone sat down. Percy could tel something was wrong and stood to go after her but Sally put a hand on his shoulder "she's fine Perce" He nodded. Fredrick looked at him strangely and Helen didn't even hide her frown. Sally sat down next to Percy and started to make conversation with Fredrick and Helen about the upcoming wedding which seemed to make them both slightly uncomfortable much to Sallys amusement. 

Helen finally said "I just don't understand why your getting married so young" she said it flatly but it still annoyed Percy.

 Sally said sadly "there demigods you never know how long they have together" Percy frowned slightly something hidden beneath his moms words. Fredrick nodded and Helen huffed and silence surrounded them again. 

Finally Percy stood "Im going to check on Annabeth"

 Sally nodded and Fredrick said "i'm sure shes fine maybe she needs space" 

Helen chimed in "two teenagers alone in the same room is never a good idea" 

Percy looked at his mom who said "Im assuming you two will stay in the guest room tonight" 

Fredrick nodded "as much as we hate taking Annabeths room" Percy was puzzled for a second before he realized something important the Chases didn't know about Tartarus or the nightmares or them sleeping in the same bed. oops. Percy quickly shook his head at his mom and walked to check on Annabeth finally realizing what she was stressed about. When he got to there room she was on the bed in her pajamas staring up at the ceiling.

 "I figured it out" he said laying doiwn next to her. 

She snorted "took you long enough seaweed brain"

 He kissed her temple "not everyone can be as smart as you" Annabeth scooted closer to him tucking her head in his chest and mumbling "I have to tell them don't I" 

Percy laughed "your the smart one you tell me" Annabeth smiled feeling Percys chest rise and fall as he laughed. She sat up and thats when they heard a scream. Definitely helens scream not Sally but they ran in swords in. hand anyway. There was a pack of five hellhounds and a cloak covered women. Percy could tell she was a goddess by the ichor running through her veins. \

Sally was standing in front of Fredrick and Helen as the women sneered "ahh Perseus and Annabeth finally joining the party are we. You may not know Algea but Algea knows you" 

Annabeth said quickly "Your Algea goddess of pain" Percy looked towards Annabeth in awe of how she knew so much getting distracted by her blond hair cascading down her back before he refocused. 

Algea smiled "so you know my speciality, and your fate. Perseus and Annabeth the bounty on your heads is mine. As Chaos wakes and Tartarus walks I will be restored to full glory and you two shall be gone"

 Percy snorted "save the villian speech for later can we just kill you already" 

Algea laughed "you can not kill a goddess even if you have gotten close, have you not gotten close to doing so Perseus" 

Percy stood straighter as Algea looked toward the cowering Fredrick and Helen "Mrs. Jackson does not care about her sons killing streak but you might Mr. Chase. He is to marry your daughter is he not. Well if they survive tonight. I think either way you'd be thrilled to know Percy Jackson is not a hero but a killer. Why he practically does my job for me inflicting more pain on himself and others then anyone else could. Isn't that right Perseus" 

Annabeth stepped in front of Percy "back up Algea you will lose this battle"

 Algea smiled "thats the point isnt it?" Thats when Annabeth realized what Algea was doing she was trying to get into Percys mind turn him into the broken glass version of himself and Algea knew exactly how to do it. The only thing Annabeth couldnt figure out was why. The hellhounds suddenly attacked but Percy didnt move and neither could Annabeth. Algea was using there pain to bind them. The only way she wopuld be defeated would be if Percy sent her to Tartarus they way he had sent Kelli there. But Percy wouldnt do it and Annabeth knew that. She wouldnt let him do it. So instead she looked at Sally, and her dad and step mom frozen there terrified and nodded. A subtle goodbye. 

She turned to Percy who she could tell was trapped in pain but as she felt herself fall whispered "I love you" That was when Percy shattered. Not out of pain though out of love he broke the pain binds and uncapped riptide slashing away the hellhounds. Annabeth took a breath and felt the binds release. Love was worth all the pain. And she attacked. They were a whirlwind in battle as always. 

Sadly as they were slashing away hellhound Algea slipped away screaming "NEXT TIME I WILL WIN NEXT TIME WE WILL ALL WIN" Then there were just piled of gold dust on the floor and Percy and Annabeth holding each other tightly hugging and sobbing on the ground as there parents ran up to them. Annabeth said "Dad, Helen we have a long story to tell" So thats hows the rest of the night began with a harrowing story of pain and love in Tartarus. By the end of the story everyone was exhausted they went straight to bed no nightmares entering anyones mind that night because well they had had enough nightmares for one day. Helen and Fredrick went home the next morning while Percy and Annabeth were still asleep a new understanding and appreciation of the couple. 


The next few days of school were irregular as it was a state testing week. Percy and Annabeth got over the attack quickly as they were fairly used to it. On Friday at lunch at school there friend group was talking about Percys tux fitting the next day. 

Max asked "are you having any family come to the fitting?" 

Percy looked to Annabeth who rolled her eyes "thats not what I said" 

Percy smiled sheepishly as Annabeth the day before had told him not to invite Hermes and Apollo. The couple started bantering and there friends laughed. Percabeth was always on top.

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