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Percy and Annabeth ran to the dining pavilion when they got there Percy said triumphantly "ha I beat you" Annabeth rolled her eyes and muttered under her breath about her stupid, tall, athletic fiance. They had decided they were gonna act normal and wait to see who noticed. Percy grabbed her hand and they walked to sit at the Poseidon table. Immediately Travis and Connor walked up.

"Sorry about the new two in. our cabin" Connor said. 

Travis nodded "we told them the rules of pranking but they didn't listen" 

Percy shrugged "Im sure its fine now, Clarisse probably scared them straight" Travis laughed and the brothers walked away. 

Annabeth whispered to Percy "Shelby is glaring daggers at us right now, she looks like a sad puppy" 

Percy chuckled "her glare is at a negative level" Annabeth got up to go talk to Piper, Jason, and Leo, who had just come back from their quest, when she felt someone approach her from behind. She quickly turned and pulled them into a headlock. All of camp turned toward where Thalia was standing with Grover and Juniper behind her. As soon as Annabeth realized what she had done she let go causing Thalia to fall backwards. 

Percy stood up next to Annabeth as Annabeth offered a hand to Thalia, her left hand. At first it seemed like Thalia wasn't gonna notice and they could continue there game but then her eyes narrowed at the ring on Annabeth's finger. Percy had already snaked his arm around Annabeth's waist and had placed his chin atop her head. Thalia looked at their faces as camp started to wonder what the silence was about. 

She saw Annabeth's proud smile and Percys joy and then yelled "HOLY HADES!!!" 

Everyone could hear Nico mutter not to use his fathers name in vain when Thalia yelled "YOUR ENGAGED?!?" Camp gasped and Percy and Annabeth laughed but nodded. 

That let in a whole 

"he proposed?!?"

 "THE RING!!!"

 "Did Athena approve???"



 "did he mess it up?" 

"I called it, you all owe me 10 drachmas"



"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US YOU WERE GONNA PROPOSE????" Annabeth gave a glare which silenced all their questions. 

Clarisse then yelled "Throw em in the lake" And suddenly they were hoisted on shoulders and thrown into the lake. 

It was pretty much the second best underwater kiss of all time.


That night the couple explained to their close friends the proposal and of course all of Annabeth's siblings plus Thalia gave Percy the don't hurt her talk. Annabeth rolled her eyes knowing Percy would never even think about it. Grover was thrilled and then started panicking about if he should propose soon. Then Thalia said she could only handle one wedding a year. By the time the couple went to bed that night Piper was already trying to plan the wedding with help from Hazel and Frank, Jason, and Leo were complaining about Percy always being the best. 

The next day they went home and Sally asked to see Annabeth's hand. Annabeth smiled and complied. Sally squealed and Paul laughed happily. Sally started saying that she already had brochures and stuff from before the couple even started dating. Percy turned red and Annabeth gave him a kiss. They spent that day talking about simple wedding stuff before going to bed. The next day at school was when the real reveals began.

A Goode Year for PercabethWhere stories live. Discover now