Swim Meet

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Percy was in the locker room with his friends getting ready for his first swim meet. He was happy to have had a dreamless sleep the night before so he was extra well rested for the meet. He did feel really bad though because Annabeth had a pretty bad panic attack that morning and he didn't like being away from her for two hours. Annabeth insisted he still do it, even when he said he could get out of it. She in fact threatened him if he didn't. So he was sort of forced into it. He was still surrounded by worry though. 

Max noticed this and asked "you okay man?" 

Percy shrugged "yeah and hopefully Piper and Jason could make it and I know Tyson wanted to come" He thought having them there might make thing easier for his Wise Girl. 

Darren asked "thats emo girls brother and his partner right?" 

Percy smiled slightly "Thalia would not appreciate you calling her that, she still gets mad when I call her Pinecone Face" 

Cole rolled his eyes "I seriously don't understand all the weird nicknames" 

Percy shrugged slipping off his shirt "long story" 

They all cringed for a second at Percy's scars and Darren said "Percy, are you sure everything okay, I mean between the nightmares and the scars" 

Percy rubbed his neck uncomfortably hoping they didn't notice his newest scar he had gotten fighting another cyclops "I had a rough childhood like I said, and please don't say anything to Annabeth today, she's already tense enough" They all nodded reluctantly. This seemed like something Annabeth would want to know about.

They finished changing and went out of the locker room and lined up by the pool stretching. Percy looked to the bleachers and sighed in relief to see Jason and Piper were there. Percy frowned slightly upset Tyson couldn't make it. He narrowed his eyes to see Chuck Peters walking towards Annabeth. 

Before he could worry about it though, The guy from the school he was racing sneered at him "I recognize you" the guy said "your from that man hunt a couple years back, you're that kid". The whistle blew though and  before Percy could say anything it was time for the first race. After the first race the boy had gone up to Percy who was thankful that Chuck had been away from Annabeth and noticed Tyson in the audience. 

The boy said "well, well, well, we meet again Perseus" 

Percy turned around knowing where this was going "do I know you" T

he monster shrugged "no but you will, poor Perseus, always living while those around him die" Percy could feel anger growing in his gut as the boy turned into a monster. The monster looked like a regular boy except with talons and a snakes tongue "So Perseus I believe your little girlfriend is still living. Well I think it's time for that to change" Percy heard the fire alarm go off and charged.


Annabeth had a rough morning. There was imparently a missing tarantula in their building that somehow found its way to Percy and Annabeth's room. Let's just say it was awful. Percy insisted he could get out of the swim meet but she wouldn't let him. So there she sat in the bleachers waiting for Jason and Piper to hopefully get there. Sally offered to sit with her but wasn't aloud to sit in the student section. Jason and Piper finally got there about fifteen minutes before the meet started. 

They walked up and Piper immediatly asked "what happened" 

Annabeth said meekly "spider earlier today"

 Jason asked "I thought Percy wouldn't have been in the meet then" 

Annabeth smiled slightly "I threatened him into it" 

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