Greek Project

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Percy and Annabeth were having a good week after picking their wedding party. Annabeth was already planning to go shopping for her dress and bridesmaids dresses that weekend. 

They were in greek class one day rolling there eyes at how inaccurate stuff was when Mr. Dane said "I will be assigning you all a project for this week, you will be in groups of five" Percy groaned slightly and Annabeth rolled her eyes. Mr.Dane seemed happy to see this "for this project we will be discussing the underworld" Percy shuttered and Annabeth caught his glance from across the room and gave him a reassuring smile. Mr.Dane started announcing the groups "Annabeth, Percy, Jack, Alissa, and Josie are a group" Percy narrowed his eyes Mr. Dane was planning something. He had been acting weird ever since the Met field trip, they knew Mrs. Dane had told him something about there...heritage. Why he was acting like this was the real question. Josie, Alissa, and Jack seemed happy to have the greekest people in the class in there group. Mr Dane finished announcing and explained the project in more detail "you will be making a small model of any part of the underworld whether it be the river styx" Percy felt the small of his back tingle as Mr. Dane continued "or the whole underworld you will all be graded the same, I also expect a description of the location" With that the bell rang. 

Percy immediately shot up and walked over to Annabeth who grabbed his hand and whispered "Its okay Perce were out" Percy nodded and gave her a sweet kiss. From behind them Jack cleared his throat and Percy and Annabeth turned slightly red. 

Josie asked "who's house should we work at?" Percy and Annabeth had a silent conversation with her eyes. Basically deciding it would be better to have the mortals at there house in case anything happened. 

Annabeth said "you guys should come over to our house, i'm pretty sure Sally is making cookies" 

Percy smiled "yeah and she has the blue chocolate chips today not just the food dye" Annabeth laughed happy to see Percy was relaxing. There friends nodded and everyone started towards the door to finish the rest of the school day. After P.E. Percy, Annabeth, Jack, Josie, and Alissa all walked back to Percys house making jokes along the way. Josie was laughing her head off after finding out Percys favorite movie was Finding Nemo. Once they got to the house the mortals didn't even question when Percy and Annabeth headed for the stairs instead of the elevator, they just followed in suit laughing at a funny story about Jack and Darrens date the other day. 

When they got to Percy door he unlocked and opened it and screamed "Im home and I have friends" The house was silent so everyone figure Sally was out of the house, It was only silent for a second though because someone zipped into the room.

 "Hello my peeps" Leo Valdez said standing in the middle of Percys entry way. 

Percy stepped back and Annabeth asked "Leo not that we don't love you but didn't we see you Sunday. In other words why are you here?" 

Leo clasped his hand to his heart "Im offended Annabeth--" Before he could continue his speech Thalia, Jason, and Piper walked in. 

Piper explained "we were headed to meet with Thalia when she said she was here because Lady A was off on business upstairs" Percy and Annabeth nodded understanding perfectly. 

The mortals walked in and Jack asked "do Sally and Paul know you're here?" 

Thalia nodded "course they do, I would never break into Queen Sally Jacksons house" The mortals nodded and Thalia amended when Percy gave her an incredulous look "Id only break in if Kelp Head did something idiotic" 

Percy scoffed "you once broke in because you wanted ice cream"

 Thalia shrugged "yes but Sally could tell I was here" 

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