Our Little Secret

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Jade had earned enough credit with the boys to be left alone for a while. They were out on a case, they had invited her, but she declined. It sounded like a ghost they were after, she didn't really deal with the dead, not her scene.

However, the bunker had quite an extensive Library, which she planned to take full advantage of. There was lore she had never been able to get her hands on there, pertaining to her situation, and it was fascinating to her.

She was comfortably sitting in her room, when she heard footsteps walking through the halls. Out of her peripheral line of sight she saw Castiel walk past her room, then walk backwards into the door frame.

"Hello" he smirked at her. Crossing his arms and leaning into the door frame.

"Hello Castiel" she said not looking up from her book.

"Read any good books lately" he asked her playfully, which she thought was odd? Castiel didn't seem to have a sense of humor.

"The boys have an excellent library here" she nodded grabbing her drink and taking a sip. "I'm taking full advantage before I take off".

"You're leaving" he asked?

She looked up at him finally, there was definitely something off with him. "I met you guys five minutes ago" she nodded, "You didn't expect me to come and be one big happy family did you"? She paused watching him shift his weight. "Besides, as much as I truly appreciate the restraint you've shown, you look like you're starting to struggle. I don't want to make you one of the assholes who manhandled me".

"Who were those Angels again" he asked?

"Uriel was a bad one, called me a dirt monkey while he tried to feel me up" she huffed.

"I killed him" Castiel nodded.

"Really" Jade laughed? "Thanks for that".

"Who else" he asked?

"Zadkiel had me in a dungeon" she nodded, "I sliced my hand and banished him with my blood".

"Noted" Castiel nodded.

"Noted huh" Jade laughed? "Nah, I'm not your problem Cass" she told him getting to her feet.

"You are no problem my dear" he said softly to her, "I assure you".

She felt something in her stomach as she walked closer to him. "Are you okay" she asked, "you seem different".

"Do I" he smiled walking closer to her? "In what way"?

"I haven't known you that long" she shrugged, "I don't have a lot to go off".

"Does this feel different" he asked?

"What" she asked?

"Talking" he explained, "being near me"?

In her head she said yes. There was something different about him, she could feel it physically.

He was already smiling at her when she shrugged, "I haven't been near you a lot Cass. You've been kind, kept your distance".

"Mmhmm" he grinned at her, staring at her.

The front door of the bunker slammed shut ringing through the halls.

Castiel turned his head to the sound, and then his attention back to Jade, "to be continued then". He leaned over and kissed her on the forehead. His lips were cold, and she shuttered at his touch.

She watched him walk down the hall towards the war room, not quite sure what had just transpired.

She took her pile of books and walked out to the war room where Dean had returned, he was there talking with Castiel.

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