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"Your new intern sir" Miss Kline had guided Jade into the office of the president, "Miss Grove".

"Nice to meet you Miss Grove" He looked her up and down. Miss Kline looked uncomfortable with his reaction. "You all want to give us a second? Secret service, all of you, out".

After everyone left, he put his hands around her waist. "Mr. President" Jade squealed, and it turned into a laugh.

"Need to take this one a little more serious babe" he started to explain. "The Winchesters are getting better. Crowley is getting better".

She scoffed, "Crowley is a joke".

"No babe, you don't get it" he snapped at her, "we have enemies, and they're teaming up. We need to start stacking the deck".

"How do we do that" she asked?

"I don't know yet" he told her. "I'm working on it".

There was a knock at the door and Miss Kline walked in. "Sir" she piped up, "you have a meeting in fifteen minutes, we need to debrief you".

"Of course" he nodded. "Well Miss Grove, very happy to have you join us".

"Miss Grove" Miss Kline nodded, "we need conference room one prepped, and everyone's coffee, hot. Mrs. Stanton can give you everyone's order before you leave".

"Of course" Jade forced a dutiful smile, meanwhile knowing she could disintegrate this pathetic woman with a snap of her fingers.

She walked into the conference room and snapped her fingers and suddenly it was ready. She met Mrs. Stanton, heard all about her daughter in Harvard. She walked back into the conference room and snapped her fingers before coffee cups appeared.

This was all just in time for the conference room to fill up with VIPs with Lucifer at the head of the table.

Jade walked to the opposite end of the table and stacked a pile of papers.

That's a nice dress, great view Lucifer communicated to her

Too bad you're gonna destroy it later
she winked

He chuckled to himself.

"That will be all Miss Grove" Miss Kline instructed sternly. "Thank you".

Jade walked out of the room and quietly closed the doors behind her.

Nice view from the back too

My Queen we're under attack Belphegor's voice rang through her head.

Jade's jaw clenched and she appeared at the house Belphagor, and Nick had been staying at. There were about four or five demons attacking Belphagor.

"Hey" Jade shouted, and they began to cower in fear. She snapped her fingers and they disappeared into a puff of smoke.

"Nick" Belphagor shouted to her.

Jade ran in the house as another two had grabbed Nick. She twisted her hands, and they dropped him and any weapons before pulling them closer to her. "Who sent you" she asked in a low growl?

"Fuck you whore" one spat.

Jade flicked her finger and the demon exploded like a giant water balloon of blood and viscera.

"Who" she asked the second?

"Crowley" the other gasped.

She nodded in approval before snapping her fingers and he disintegrated.

She walked over to Nick and helped him up. "Did they hurt you"?

"No" he replied.

"My Queen" Belphagor gasped. "Y-you saved me".

"Don't look so shocked Belphagor" she told him.

"I'm a lowly demon" he explained.

"Uh no no" she corrected. "You're MY lowly demon. Replacing you would be a nightmare, I have no desire to train another one of those assholes".

"I am yours to command my Queen" he bowed.

"Yeah" she nodded, "got that, don't get weird on me".

Jade didn't return to Lucifer that day. She wasn't about to leave Nick under protected. It was late that night when Lucifer arrived to check in.

"Well you're fired" he playfully smiled at Jade upon his arrival.

"I had bigger worries than how many shots of espresso Mr. Lawrence wanted" she snapped.

"What happened" he asked with concern in his voice?

"There was an attack" she told him, "Crowley's minions".

"He found you" Lucifer snapped?

"To be fair, he was a crossroads demon" she shrugged.

"This is what I mean" he told her, "we need to fortify, we need power".

"And how are things going on that front" she shrugged?

"I'm out of new ideas" he admitted with a sigh, "there is one thing. I never wanted to do it, but we're out of options".

"What is it" Jade asked?

"A Nephilim" he said quietly.

"A Nephilim" she asked? "Half human, half angel, abomination, that Nephilim"?

"Yes" he sighed.

"I'm not human anymore babe" she snapped.

"Do you remember how I restrained myself from you when you were" he exclaimed? "A Nephilim is a death sentence for the mother if she's the human. Be it by angel blade or birth". He let out a pained sigh, "I would never have let you carry a Nephilim".

"But you want one" she glared at him.

"I need one" he shrugged, "with a Nephilim, there would be nothing to stop us. A Nephilim is considered an ender of worlds".

"I can't give you a Nephilim Lucifer" she snarled, "so what are you saying to me"?

"Well the president has this little side piece".

Jade's eyes were glowing red. She looked at a lamp and suddenly it was flying through the air at Lucifer's head.

"No" she snarled.

"Babe hear me out" he started.

"I don't need to" she shrieked flipping the table in front of her as though it were nothing. "I AM TIRED LUCIFER"!

He looked at her with concern.

"These games you're playing" she sighed. "You killed Aziraphale. You did, with your power. You have always been enough. In your power, and for me. Your dad left because he's a dick. Once I was enough for you. But not anymore it would seem".

"Jade" he shook his head, "you're everything to me. I just want to be extra sure; I can protect you. I need a Nephilim".

She threw a huge vase at his head barely missing. "Then go get your fucking Nephilim" she screamed. "But there are two things that will happen if you fucking touch another woman. First, my grace will not be part of you. You touch another woman, and you will cut it out of your body, do you understand me" she snarled? He looked at her with a pained look on his face as she could feel the tears running down her face. "Secondly Lucifer Morningstar, you touch anyone else, you will never touch me again".

"Jade" he begged.

"Get away from me" she whimpered as she walked out.

Soon Lucifer had left the house, she felt him leave.

She cried. She sat sobbing, heartbroken. She had been the ultimate con for the devil himself. All he promised, all he said, it meant nothing. The way he made her feel? All for show, he truly was the master manipulator. And what she had done, all those things she had done without so much as batting an eye, it was all for him. What was she without him?

Nick slowly crept in the room and put a hand on her shoulder. "No" she whimpered. "You lied to me too" she told him.

"Jade I-"

"You said every ounce of him loves me" she snapped. "He didn't love me. He used me. He used me to increase his power and as a little fuck buddy. He could have replaced me with a bottle of lotion and a tube sock".

"That's not true Jade" he objected.

Suddenly her head was splitting, and she hunched over. It was the angels; they were speaking to each other.

A powerful Nephilim

He hadn't hesitated. He did it. The Nephilim had been created. Lucifer had impregnated another.

"Get out Nick" she shrieked "I'm done". No sooner did the last word escape her mouth, she snapped her fingers and disappeared. 

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