A Final Thank You

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Hi there

I wanted to have one of those boring Author notes here at the very end of the story. Yup, she's dead, and honestly writing it was bittersweet. Jade was a character I simply started playing with, I wasn't sure I was ever going to publish let alone write an entire story for. I wanted to say thank you so much for reading. I only posted yesterday and have already gotten such sweet feedback. So I wanted to say a great big thank you. I also wanted to share some I guess behind the scenes stuff, just in case you might have been interested in. If not, it's cool, thanks for reading, you're gonna want to stop reading here.

#1. I cast all of my characters.

So obviously not so much with the existing characters, the exception being Belphegor (in the series he didn't arrive until season 15). It's so I can picture their faces. If you're interested to see who the cast was, please comment it. I would be happy to share. I will tell you Aziraphale was Michael C Hall. This was because I remembered watching Mark Pellegrino on Dexter and I just turned the tables of them going head to head.

#2. Jade was originally named Celeste.

In my early notes writing this story (unpublished) she was Celeste. But as I developed her, she was just so jaded, I named her Jade. I also knew she would have a child eventually, back then I didn't know if it would be a boy or girl so I decided to make Celeste.

#3. Celeste was supposed to be a villain

Originally I was going to have Celeste be a villain and join her parents. However I sort of got on a bit of a Castiel kick and decided to make her his mate. (I know team Destiel are not liking that twist)

#4. I did not know what to do with the Kelly Kline storyline.

I sort of developed the relationship with Jade and Lucifer a little differently than I originally planned. I didn't mean for him to love her like he did, but these characters take on a life of their own. I struggled because I didn't want to destroy the love they had for each other, but I couldn't just leave Jack out. I still feel it's a little grey area that another woman carried his child, but they were able to come back from that.

#5 I was going to make Lucifer come back from the empty.

When I made Nick kiss Jade, originally it was going to infuriate Lucifer so bad he was going to come back from the empty on his own, but I had no idea how that would work and I knew how I wanted it to end.

#6 I almost had Michael threaten to take Celeste if Jade hadn't agreed to be his mate

That started to get a little too dark for my liking, so I omitted it

#7 I considered making Jade side with the kids

This would have made for the ultimate betrayal, and I wasn't prepared to do that. I have found a lot of wonderful Lucifer fanfiction out there, but when I set out to do this there was one these I wanted to avoid. In almost all of them I watched Lucifer get turned into a good guy. I think part of what I love about the character on the show is he's not a good guy, you just love him as a bad guy. Instead I wanted his other half to have the ground work to become a villain, but he sort of cultivate that. Jade became a villain, but I wanted her to be like Lucifer, a villain you can root for (I hope I achieved that).

#8 I have a sound track

Yup, there are specific songs that I had playing over and over while I wrote specific parts. In my other fanfiction (Robin Singer) I had a montage I wrote to a song. I had one for the very end of this story too, but I thought it might sully it. I will tell you the song was He's a Rebel by the Crystals

#9 I almost had a cross over

I mentioned Robin Singer in the previous comment, she was my original fan fiction, and she's on going (72 chapters so far) *Potential spoiler alert for that story *. In the Valentines day chapter, Sam says how Dean lost someone. I was setting it up for a Robin cross over there. I decided against it because I felt it would have limited my Robin storyline because were I was writing season 11, at the time I think I was on 4 for Robin. Just like Jade has taken twists and turns I didn't expect, Robin has too.

#10 This may not be the end of Jade

A friend kindly pointed out that I set this up for a sequel. Potentially, is my answer. SO as I wrote these chapters and continue to write for the other I have been sort of developing 2 other Supernatural fan fictions. One is a prequel and one a sequel. Neither of them can start until I'm deeper into Robin. The sequel can't come out until Robin is done. This is where we could see the return of Jade, and a cross over. They're in my head, how it would work still remains to be seen.

Thanks for reading through all of that gibberish. If you have other questions, I would be happy to answer. Thanks again

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