A Strong Hand

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*I would go in with the expectation at this point there will be smut, torture and violence...it's kinda the theme

Jade's body was slammed to the back of the trunk when the car came to a sudden stop. Driving wasn't a strong suit for Castiel it would seem. He'd haphazardly thrown her into the trunk, keeping the enochian cuffs on her. Jade could hear Castiel's gentle voice as he spoke to Kelly fade into the distance. She heard a door open and a bell ring. She sat listening to voices as they walked by, attempting to gauge where they were and how far they'd gone since leaving Lucifer with the Winchesters.

Suddenly the trunk burst open, and she was blinded momentarily by the light before looking up to see Belphagor standing over her. He reached in to give her a hand getting to her feet. As she got out, she noticed the cuffs were burning away.

"They're Enochian" she said furrowing her brow. "They're supposed to be able to hold angels". She turned her wrists examining the metal as the last of it was burned through, falling off of her.

"Not Arch angels" Belphagor nodded, "not for long anyway".

Jade reached back into the trunk, where she had discarded Castiel's tie that had been used to gag her. She walked to the driver's side and left it there as a message. She was out and not to be fucked with. She walked back to the trunk and slammed it shut before looking to Belphagor, "Back to the house" she ordered.

When she walked in, Bela hadn't fled. "What are they doing with Nick" she snarled, "Why did Crowley want him"?

"I don't know" Bela begged as Jade grabbed her by the hair and dragged her across the room. "All I know is he wanted the vessel-"

"Nick" Jade barked.

"Nick" Bela corrected, "He wanted to have Nick before Rowena did her spell".

"Crowley mentioned the cage" Jade realized, easing up her grip on Bela's follicles for a split second. "Did Rowena find a spell to slam him back without me"?

"She did my Queen" Bela whimpered, "but he's not in the cage".

Jade threw her to the floor, "start talking, or I will carve out that silver tongue sweetheart".

"Crowley was humiliated by Lucifer" she explained, "he wants vengeance".

"That's why he took Nick" Jade scowled, "he knew Lucifer would go to him".

"He perverted his mother's spell so he'd have no choice" She corrected.

"So he took Nick, and has him contained somewhere" Jade nodded, "so that he can get his revenge on Lucifer".

"Do we trust her my Queen" Belphagor asked?

"Fuck no" Jade told him.

"Why would I lie" Bela asked?

"It's in your nature" Jade snapped, "If you are lying, you have yet to feel true torture my dear. But if you're telling me the truth, and the whole truth, this could be a turning point for you".

"I'll be the one to check my Queen" Belphagor nodded as he disappeared.

Jade scowled at Bela as they waited for her faithful demon to return.

He wasn't gone long when he reappeared confirming Bela's story. With little to no hesitation, Jade and Belphagor snapped back to Hell, in the room that Lucifer was being kept.

"We have this" A demon standing in front of Lucifer stood, holding the key to the shackles that bound him. Lucifer smiled and held his hands out to take the key. "But..." The demon paused.

Jade walked up behind him and kicked him in the back of the knee knocking him to the ground, but not before she took the key from his grasp. "There will be no buts" she hissed, "You insolent worm, you're speaking to the true king of Hell".

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