Family Meeting

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The feeling around the camp was grim. While Celeste was thrilled to be reunited with Castiel, the news of Sam's death had a dark cloud hanging over everyone. There was a sadness that sat in the pit of her stomach, barely processing what happened. He'd been killed in a mineshaft by a nest of vamps. His body taken away for further consumption. She longed to be close to Castiel, to find comfort in his arms, and truth be told she was getting more and more drawn to him and prepared to be bound.

They'd been filled in, that Gabriel in his weakened state wasn't able to produce enough angel grace to make the journey. As a result, her father was currently sourcing their entry and exit back to their world. Everyone's top priority seemed to be preparing Jack for the confrontation with Lucifer. He was still so naïve, and while she was mere moments older than her brother, she had picked up on a lot of things he perhaps hadn't.

She leaned up against the pillar of a deck that was attached to one of the nicer houses in the camp. She sat, surveying the camp. She spotted Bobby helping the new arrivals get something to eat. She looked over and saw Dean and Mary share tear filled words, no doubt grieving their loss. She looked over to a wooden structure where Castiel tried to debrief Jack as quickly as possible. Her eyes lingered on Castiel, she was focused for, she wasn't sure how long when someone made her jump.

"Wow," Gabriel chortled. "I mean I've met an unbound angel mate before, but not one who was so ready to go."

She scoffed at him with disgust, folded her arms and started to walk away.

"Sorry sweetheart, I'm respecting the whole hands-off thing I assure you" he got in front of her and extended a hand. "I should introduce myself, Gabriel, Archangel."

"Archangel" she looked at him quizzically?

"Yeah, and I'm not into the whole creepy uncle title, so you'll get no issues from me" he explained.

"So, you know whose daughter I am" she asked him?

"Hey kid" he told her, "You don't pick your parents. Mine went out for a pack of smokes and never came back."

"Jury's still out on mine" she told him.

"No, it's not" Gabriel told her, "Dad was judge jury and executioner in that trial. Your dad doesn't come back from what he's done. Ever."

"Wow," Celeste glared at him, "Sure glad you're not the one talking to my brother." With this she headed towards the structure where Castiel and Jack were, when she froze in her tracks.

She was seeing a ghost. Sam Winchester walked through the entry point, not a scratch on him. "Sam" she gasped?

Her realization wasn't alone, Dean and Mary had taken note and Jack had stepped out of the structure and was now beside her. "Sam" he smiled.

Sam gave them a severe look when they came to realize, he wasn't alone.

First to step out behind Sam was Jade. Regardless of how she felt about her father, Celeste still nearly crumbled at the sight of her mother. "Mom" she cried out as she ran to Jade, latching her arms around her.

"Sweet girl" Jade murmured holding her close and kissing her on the forehead. "Are you okay"?

"I'm fine" she assured her.

"How about a hug for the old man" Lucifer stepped out of the shadows with a playful smile?

She scowled, still angry at her father for his attack on Castiel. "How about the old man explains how he tried to kill my mate"?

Lucifer awkwardly stuck his hands in his pockets, "Oh, he uh told you about that huh?" Before Celeste could respond, Lucifer's gaze scanned the crowd, and he soon found the face he was looking for. "Hello Son."

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