Power and Impotence

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*Smut Warning*

*Torture Warning*

Jade handed Nick a bottle of Gatorade, "Were you awake for it" she asked?

"Enough to know why you're handing me this" he told her nodding in thanks and cracking open the drink.

"Do you have somewhere you want to go" she asked him?

"Not really" he shook his head. "I'm sort of used to his power, the no consequences to our actions, being with you".

"I want you to be comfortable in the meantime" she nodded, "and safe".

"Why" Nick asked? "You think he's going to need me again"?

"Unless he somehow gets Sam Winchester to say yes, I think so" she nodded. "You're fortified and you're my favorite".

"Am I" he grinned at her? "Why is that"?

"You were the first time we met" she nodded. "Amongst other things".

"I want to hear the other things" he bit his lip and looked her up and down.

"Easy cowboy" she replied. "There's one pretty major rule at play here. He's not in you, you don't go in me".

"Did he say that" Nick asked?

"Did he need to" she asked back?

Nick shrugged. She grabbed an amulet from the table. "Here" she handed it to him, "wear this. Rub it if you need help. It will summon Belphagor, if it needs more juice, he'll get me. In the meantime anywhere you want to go, Bel will take you and make sure you're well taken care of".

"And Lucifer" Nick asked?

"If your situation is more than I can handle, he will come" she nodded.

"Thank you Jade" Nick nodded. "I truly feel like part of him. Not one ounce of him doesn't love you" he smiled.

"Thank you Nick" she nodded.

"He's sort of a mess right now" he nodded. "I've never seen him like this".

"How so" she asked?

"Chuck taking off was already weighing on him" he shrugged. "But Aziraphale getting his hands on you. It made him feel, well impotent for a lack of a better term. He needs to get power, or at least feel like he's more powerful".

"He's fucking Lucifer" she replied, "there are two beings in existence that outrank him in power".

"Three actually" Nick nodded, "but he has a weakness now, and he's doing all he can to protect that weakness".

"I thought I made him stronger when we were bound" she shrugged defensively.

"Physically you did" Nick nodded, "but now he has something to lose, he's never had that before and he's never truly felt vulnerability".

"What am I supposed to do" she asked?

"I think you're doing it" Nick nodded, "supporting him. Maybe flex some of your own muscles again, remind him you're a force to be reckoned with. Because in existence there are probably only six or seven beings stronger than you...and that's on a bad day".

"Good talk Nick" she sat pensively as she sat down. "Let us know if you need anything".

Power hungry was definitely a term used to describe her mate, but needing it? Impotent was definitely not an adjective to describe Lucifer. She felt guilty for it all. Her situation with Aziraphale, making Lucifer feel weak, that was all her.

She snapped her fingers and was suddenly at a hotel with actual people, not their typical all to themselves one. This one seemed like it was trying too hard, modern whites with pops of neon green and black. Super trendy, the fucking Cleveland Rock scene. Jade strolled into the elevator and was soon followed in by the entire band Ladyheart and their sloppy groupies. Each member of the band had at least one, all except for their lead singer, Vince.

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