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Jaded just hit 600 views and I wanted to say thank you so much. I'm about to post some shameless cross promotion here, so feel free to abandon ship. Unless you dug Jaded and want to see what else I have up my sleeve. 

For the Supernatural fans, my original Fanfiction was actually titled Robin Singer. Robin first appeared in Season 1 in the story and we officially hit season 8 on Monday. There will also be an Easter egg in the second episode if you can catch it AND a familiar face from Jaded will make his debut and may just shock you with what he's capable of. 

If you are a Walking Dead Fan, I have started to publish my fan fic I wrote over a decade ago. I'm revamping it and honestly being hyper critical of myself and finding it really hard to get past the wall I've hit. I have 2 chapters so far, but I think I need to sit down and just go with that one without posting for a while, then just edit the crap out of it. 

For the Sons of Anarchy fans I have the Samcro Princess. Sons of Anarchy was my fandom long before I delved into Supernatural or Walking dead. I had this character brewing for years but never knew how to approach her story telling. I literally figured it out by reading MC smut. The story is not told by her, but by another character. A Nomad turned Samcro member. 

Finally this one isn't a fan fiction, but an original piece and be kind because it's my first. The Pure Blood Coven. If you're into Witches, Werewolves, Demons, curses and Smut, you might want to check it out. 

Of my stories I can't commit to all of them being on a schedule, but I will continue to commit to Robin being on one. I'm sort of expecting her story to be completed next year this time. I also have 2 spin offs in my head too, one which may bring about a cross over from Jaded, but we'll have to wait and see on that one. We're talking WAY down the road. 

Thanks so much for the love for Jaded, I miss writing my little hell raiser. <3

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