Caged Bird

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Jade refused to be without Lucifer, staying by his side. Lucifer enjoyed the company at first but soon he realized the depth of the fear his mate was living in. He began his hunt for Aziraphale, unbeknownst to Jade.

She was looking out the window of her hotel room, when a demon had snuck in, unannounced. "My lady" he nodded standing beside her. He handed her an envelope. She didn't know this demon.

"Who are you" she asked?

"Gregor my lady" he nodded.

"Does Belphagor know you're here" she asked?

"Of course my lady" he nodded.

"Then where is he" she asked?

"I'm afraid I don't know" he shook his head.

Jade didn't trust demons at the best of times, but especially right now. She soon noticed that Gregor was not the only demon in the room with her. "What kind of party is this" she asked?

"The kind where the slut does what she's told" Gregor replied.

"What happened to my lady" she asked as she punched him in the face sending him back ten feet? "Hot damn" she chuckled, "first fight as an Archangel, this could be fun". Another came at her. She grabbed him and threw him at the window, shattering the glass and no doubt destroying the demon's vessel.

Another came at her with an angel blade, "okay, upping the ante" she nodded. He lunged at her with the blade, she kicked it out of his hand. Spun around grabbing his arm and snapping it. "Shit, I could hear that" she taunted as another jumped at her from behind. She ducked then snapped her fingers, sending him flying out the window after the other.

Suddenly Gregor came up behind her, throwing powder in her face.

"Oh fuck off" she shouted as she fell to the floor, blacking out as they kicked her in the stomach.

The last thing she heard were Lucifer and Belphagor's voices.

She woke up in the same desolate plain she'd been to before. This time she was sitting on a swing in a large bird cage.

"Do you know why the caged bird sings" Aziraphale's voice came from behind her? She didn't say a word, she didn't even look at him. She clenched her jaw and grabbed the two poles that suspended the swing. He came around to face her, "sing for me, my little sparrow". She scowled at him, remaining silent. "Does Lucifer know everything" Aziraphale asked?

"More or less" she replied.

"And" he asked her with anticipation?

"He laughed at you" she told him. "How you didn't have the balls to step up to him".

Aziraphale's expression hardened for a moment, then he smiled at her. "He always was the type to poke the bear. But he is just making it worse for you" he chuckled. "I've always known who your mate was Jade".

"What" she hissed?

"Yeah, I know" he grimaced. "I was there. That ritual cannot take place without at least one angel present. And I really was rooting for you. My plan was to get you to bind with me, and leave Lucifer in torment forever, never knowing what happened to you".

She stared at him in disbelief.

"But this will be much better" he smiled. "More personal. He's had you, now I will rip you away from him and weaken him all in one blow".

She could feel her hand shaking, she tried to hide it, to not give him the satisfaction, but she failed.

"And you my dear Jade, I plan to hurt you" he nodded, "a lot, and in the most intimate ways I can imagine. Best part is I can, because no one gives a fuck about Lucifer's mate".

"Well that's simply not true" Lucifer's voice came from behind her.

She spun around and saw him in the cage with her.

"How did you get in here" Aziraphale snarled at him?

"Uh, mate" Lucifer shrugged, "we're bonded, connected? There is nowhere in this universe I couldn't follow her"?

"Why would you come in the cage" she whispered?

"Well we've been in my cage babe" he shrugged with his hands in the pockets of his jeans, "I thought we'd go back to your place this time". He gave her a playful grin, loosening the knot in her stomach.

"I've waited a long time for this" Aziraphale hissed.

"Ouff" Lucifer taunted, "when you build it up in your head, and it's never as good as you imagined. You gotta hate it when that happens".

"When I get my hands on her-".

"That's not gonna happen" Lucifer warned him. "If you come near my mate again-".

"I'm not some child who's afraid of you anymore Lucifer" Aziraphale snapped. "I'm far more clever than you, and I have played out the scenarios in my head for centuries. You can't surprise me".

Lucifer walked over to where Jade sat on the swing and raised his hands up to assist her down. She leaned forward allowing him to catch her. She didn't feel safe, but she was secure in his arms.

"Jade, we're going home" Lucifer told her gently.

"She's not going anywhere" Aziraphale roared.

"You think your pixie dust and abra kadabra could beat me any day of the week" Lucifer roared back? "Let alone with the woman who carries half of my grace"? He turned back to Jade, "wake up".

Suddenly she was awake on her bed in her room. She looked beside her as Lucifer woke. She wrapped her arms around him, jerking as she tried to contain her tears.

"You're right" Lucifer nodded holding her. "He's changed".

"He knew" she gasped as her breath buckled. "He was part of the ritual. He followed me to use me to hurt you".

"It's okay babe" he told her, brushing his fingers through her hair.

"It's not okay" she snapped. "I'm literally a tool to hurt you, he made me into this".

"Jade" he shouted, "I don't care how you got to me babe. If I die for having had you".

"I care" she snapped. "I don't want to be the one to cause you pain".

"Well that ship has sailed" he scoffed, "I had to restrain myself from you for a while there. You heard of blue balls"?

"You think this is funny" she shouted? "The shit I have gone through, and the part that kills me the most isn't him jerking off in front of me while I stood naked suspended from a ceiling. It's the part where he might hurt you".

Lucifer was infuriated, his eyes were on fire, his lips curled up exposing his teeth in anger.

The fact that he couldn't get past her previous statement pissed her off. He couldn't see it for what it was. Instead he simply became jealous. "Check your ego at the door Lucifer" she snapped. "You're pissed off some one else was playing with your toys. For the record, I also wasn't a virgin when I met you".

She got to her feet and started for the door.

"Jade" Lucifer called after her, audibly aware he had screwed up. "Where are you going"?

"Out" she snapped as she slammed the door behind her.

Jade stormed down to the lobby and was about to leave. As mad as she was at Lucifer in that moment, she would forgive him, and she knew it. What's more, being too far from him was unsafe right now. She simply slumped in a nearby chair and sat with her thoughts.

After some time passed, she heard footsteps approach her. She looked up to see a demon.

"My Queen" he nodded as he approached, "The king wants a word".

"You are" she asked?

"Coronzon" he nodded.

She looked at him for a moment. While Jade hadn't done much research on demons, when she was in the bunker, she certainly did her fair share about Lucifer. One of the stories she read was the garden of Eden, and Lucifer's role in it. Somewhere in the story was a demon named Coronzon, and he was affiliated with the serpent.

"Would you follow me" he asked?

She nodded as he disappeared. She followed where he had gone with a snap of her fingers. She was part way through the travel when she realized she was leaving the hotel.

When she arrived a circle of fire appeared around her. After the flare went down, she looked to see where she was. "Where is Lucifer" she asked?

"I didn't say Lucifer" the demon explained, "I said the king".

She took pause for a moment. "Where is the pint-sized weasel" she asked?

Realizing who the demon was referring to, she scowled. Since Lucifer had fallen to Amara, Crowley had made himself comfortable again on his throne. This demon wasn't one of Lucifer's, he was one of Crowley's.

Crowley soon joined her in the chamber of Hell. "Jade" he smiled, "lovely to see you".

"Is it" she asked? 

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