True Intentions

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* Jade only has a couple more chapters left. As such, I will no longer be following the posting schedule. Instead I will post whennI am comfortable with my editing*

As the sun rose that morning, Lucifer was working on a long-forgotten bus with Dean. The plan was to use this to transport the survivors back to the rift and get them back into the apocalypse free world. Lucifer was playing ball as he slowly made headway with Jack.

Jade had been looking for Celeste and suddenly saw her coming over the crest of the hill with Castiel. They weren't all the way to her, when Jade realized, Celeste was bound. She was smiling, she was happy.

"How are you not bedridden" Jade asked in a huff?

"What" Celeste asked?

"When I was bound, I was out for days" Jade snapped.

"You were human" Castiel explained.

"What" Lucifer's voice came from behind Jade? "What? No, no, you did not."

Jade realized she needed to run interference and fast. She rushed to Lucifer and blocked him.

"Castiel" Lucifer bellowed, "What did you do? What did you do to my daughter"?

"Babe calm down" Jade murmured.

"Calm down" Lucifer shouted? "Do you remember when we were bound? I'm pretty sure we broke a wall. He did that to my little girl."

"Lucifer" Jade hissed. "You made progress with her last night. Don't wreck it."

"He -" Lucifer clenched his jaw with anger.

"Remember when you told me you needed me bound to protect me" Jade asked him. Lucifer looked down at her, as much as he hated it, his demeanor softened. "He's protecting her babe."

"But she's my little -" Lucifer whimpered before Jade hugged him.

"Alright" Dean shouted, "Lucifer, you're driving. Keep you where I can see you."

They all piled onto the bus and took off for the rift. They were cutting it close, and it was starting to sputter when they reached it.

"What was the spell" Jade shouted?

"What" Dean shouted?

"Rowena was using a spell to fortify it. What was it" Jade demanded?

"Koth Munto Nuntox babe" Lucifer nodded.

Jade raced off the bus and started the incantation. "Koth Munto Nuntox" she shouted. She heard Rowena shout it back. "Keep it going Row-row" Jade shouted, "I got it on this side. Koth Munto Nuntox."

Sam and Dean led the survivors through the rift.

"Jack you're next" Sam nodded as Jack leapt through.

"Celeste goes" Jade ordered, "Koth Munto Nuntox."

Celeste and Castiel leapt through. The only ones remaining were Jade, Lucifer, Gabriel, Sam, and Dean.

A large fireball was coming straight for them. They watched it as it landed and as the smoke cleared, Michael emerged. "Gentlemen" he nodded, "future mate" he nodded at Jade.

"Jade" Lucifer growled, "Go."

"Are you serious" She snarled?

"I'll be right behind you babe" he told her. "I want to know you're safe, and you won't be until I wipe the floor with my big brother."

"Lu" Michael spoke up. "You don't really want to try this again, do ya"?

"I really do" Lucifer snarled before he jumped at Michael. "Jade Go" he roared.

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