Ch1: A New World

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Ugh...what the hell happened? Where am I?

Opening my eyes reveals the night sky but even more surprising is the fact that I'm apparently in some sort of forest. I continue staring at my surroundings in confusion for a while but it isn't long before I remember that I'd just been stabbed.

Reaching down, I| grasp at the area but find that I'm perfectly fine. What's more, I'm completely naked and...what the hell's going on? Between my legs, there's nothing immediately recognisable. Have I been turned into a girl or something? bending over to get a closer look, I'm even more confused when I find that I don't have a vagina either.

Me: What the heck? How am I supposed to take a piss now? Hell, how the-

????: Master's body doesn't excrete such-

Where did that voice come from? Looking around I find I'm still by myself. My eyes have adjusted somewhat so it becomes clear that I'm standing in a crater but still, as I previously thought, there's no one else here.

Me: Who said that? Come out and show yourself!

????: Cannot comply.

Me: What?

????: Subject cannot leave master's body and as such cannot comply.

So she's inside me? That's insane. How can someone else be inside me? Wait, is this her body and I am the intruder here? Also, what's with the whole master thing? Wait, I get it. This must be my mind fulfilling my last desires before I truly die by allowing me to live them out in my imagination.

????: Correction. Master has been reincarnated into this world following his death.

Me: Huh?

????: Master is a reincarnation.

Me: Huh?

She goes on to explain further and from her, I come to understand that this world I've supposedly been reincarnated into is fairly different from my own but not as much as one would first think. For starters, it is as if it were created by someone from my own world. It has all the trademarks of any major fantasy MMO title and yet it is all very much real or at least I think it is. 

She also explains what is going on with my body. Apparently based on my requests whilst dying I had been given the body of a slime but in order to comply with my additional requests, it evolved and was also given a human form that is rather beautiful but otherwise extremely gender-neutral. For one reason or another, I can't change its appearance much but after seeing my reflection in the nearby lake I can't say I'm disappointed. I only wish...well, can't be helped for now.

She also informs me about my abilities, all of which are seemingly called skills and fit in different categories, the strongest of which are ultimate skills. She's one of these ultimate skills and does mention that she's called Raphael but others include Beelzebuth which she showcased to me in a limited test run which saw it consume some nearby trees and another simply known as Aphrodite. The latter, she was rather reluctant to show to me so I simply left it for now and instead continued to focus on my other abilities. 

It takes a while but eventually I manage to gain a basic understanding of what I can and cannot do and I must say I'm rather amazing. My old life might have ended without me gaining anything but it's all paid off if this is the new me!

Me: Hmmmm...

Raphael: What's wrong, master?

Me: I need clothes.

Looking around, I find there's still pretty much nothing but greenery around me with the only break in the green coming from the lake before me. I consider walking back to the crater but I doubt there's anything of use back there.

Raphael: A temporary solution could be achieved by simply imitating the appearance of clothing via your body.

That's right. I'm a slime now. That'll take some getting used to. After a few trials and errors, I manage to get something that is at the very least suitable. It's not much but it'll work for now. Still, I can't help but feel even this simple outfit makes me look even more feminine than I already looked whilst naked.


After a few additional touches, I pick a direction and start walking in hopes of coming across other signs of life. So far, I haven't even spotted any insects. It's as though there's nothing in this forest beside me. It takes a while but eventually I come to a stop in front of two massive albeit very rusted doors. Judging from the fact that they are located on the side of a large hill or perhaps it's a small mountain, I figure they must lead to some sort of mining cave but despite it being clear no one has been here in years, my curiosity gets the better of me and before long I'm heading inside.

Raphael: Notice, there is a powerful entity located within-

Me: Is that so?

Despite her attempts to warn me, she only succeeds in piquing my curiosity. To make matters worse, she's done nothing but confirm that the only source of life in the immediate vicinity stems from deeper in these caves.

Heading deeper in, I come across a couple of monsters here and there including spiders, snakes a big lizard and the like but other than using a few of them for combat practice, I have Beelzebuth consume most of them and have Raphael analyses them thus giving me access to their own abilities. For some, she integrates them into things I already have whilst for others, she merely leaves them as is.

I don't know how long I've been traversing the cave but eventually, I come to some steps that are suspended in the air. They lead down into the darkness but even without Raphael telling me I can tell they lead to whatever "powerful entity" she detected. With a smirk, I take the first step.

Raphael: This is not-

Me: It's fine. If necessary I'll leave. Contrary to your belief, I don't plan on dying a second time.

She remains silent. Seeing this, I continue walking forward until I enter a large open space. It is illuminated in blue light but the thing that catches my eye the most is what lies directly before me.

????: Hmmmmm...

Its voice causes the entire cave to rumble and as it turns ever so slightly so that one of its eyes is facing me, I can't help but wonder how much the cave can take before it caves in on both of us.

Its voice causes the entire cave to rumble and as it turns ever so slightly so that one of its eyes is facing me, I can't help but wonder how much the cave can take before it caves in on both of us

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