Ch37: A Romantic Getaway

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I arrive back in Tempest to find Luminous pacing anxiously about. The minute she sees me, she rushes over, eager to hear any news regarding her Kingdom.

Me: As I promised, it's fine. By the time I left the enemy was already subdued or killed. Dagruel was no where to be seen but I doubt he'll make an appearance any time soon.

Luminous: I...what about the city? Are the-

Me: Everyone's fine. The girl you had doubts about made sure of that, even going as far as resurrecting a significant portion of some losses that occurred. 

Luminous stops pacing about and after a few seconds, walks over to me. It's not until she's wrapped her arms around me and placed a kiss on my cheek that I hear her next words.

Luminous: Thank you.

Me: So, are you feeling better?

Luminous: Much-

Me: Great, then get dressed.

Luminous: Get dressed?

Me: We're going out.

Luminous: Going out? Like on a date?

Me: I recommend something with good ventilation. A swimsuit will also prove beneficial.

She stares at me as though expecting me to come out and say that I'm joking but given I'm not, she's left wondering how to proceed. She tries to argue that we're at war and now isn't a great time but eventually I manage to convince her to simply trust me.

It takes her a while to get ready, even with the aid of the maids, but she does manage to arrive right on time. With everything ready, we make to set off but get stopped at the outskirts of the city by Rigurd who makes a declaration that he can't allow us to leave without escorts.

I'm tempted to fry him on spot for interfering between me and my wife but ultimately decide against it. He's only doing his job, after all. Still...

Me: There'll be no guards. 

Rigurd: But-

Me: That's final.

He refrains from protesting further but still stands in our way. I'm about to delete him when Luminous reaches across and rests a hand on my own, cooling my rage.

Luminous: Please, let's just go.

I remain silent, merely motioning for the steed pulling the carriage to proceed. Ordinarily, I wouldn't need to bring any luggage with me and would simply have Ranga bring me anywhere I'd need to go if I didn't feel like teleporting there but today calls for a more delicate touch.

We travel in silence for some time. She's busy taking in the scenery along our journey when I finally speak.

Me: So, how do you feel?

Luminous: I'm fine-

Me: I meant about marrying me.

Luminous pauses at that, contemplating what to say but doesn't take too long before replying.

Luminous: You're not what I expected.

Me: Oh? And is that a good thing or a bad thing?

Luminous: I don't know as yet.

A smile spreads across my lips upon hearing that. Reaching across, I pull her into an embrace. The carriage rocks gently as we come to a stop and yet neither of us moves. I move closer and she stirs beneath me. My mouth brushes against her ear and she tenses.

Me: l look forward to finding out.

She blushes as I lean up and open the door. Stepping out, I offer her a hand and she accepts. She's barely out of the carriage when I pull her into my arms, pressing a kiss to her lips. She squeals, surprised even as I grab hold of her ass. 

Me: I'm going to enjoy every ounce of you...

She looks into my eyes but doesn't speak. It's as though she's silently anticipating my next move. I smirk to myself.

Me: But first, let's have that picnic.

Luminous: Wha-

Turning her around whilst still holding on to her waist, I show her the arrangement laid out before us. Raphael, being the best wingman...woman a guy could ever ask for used clones to fix everything up for me while I kissed the air out of Luminous' lungs. A bit overdramatic since she could have easily set it up while we were still in the carriage but who's ever said I'm not one for dramatic flair?

Luminous:'s beautiful.

Me: It's all for you.

She spins around, throwing her arms around my neck before planting a kiss on my lips.

Luminous: Thank you.

Just as swiftly as she kissed me, she pulls away and skips over to the picnic as though nothing just happened. She's an enigma, one that keeps piquing my interest.

Smiling to myself, I walk over to the cloth spread out across the grass and take my seat beside her. She's already begun sharing the food and as I take my seat, she turns and, using her fingers, lifts a piece of bread to my lips.

Luminous: Ahhh...

Finding the entire thing amusing, I comply and she's soon feeding me. She's on her third attempt when I bite softly against her fingers. She yelps in surprise, even as I lick the chocolate off her fingers before releasing them from my teeth's grasp.

She looks at her finger as though expecting to see marks but I merely use the opening to grab an apple from the fruit bowl and hold it up to her lips. She looks in my eye, mischievously, as she bites into the apple taking care to allow the juice to run down until it passes between her breasts. Then, in an almost mocking fashion, she pushes forward her now exposed chest as if daring me to come closer.

I, ever the visionary, eagerly press forward and using my tongue ensure that not an ounce of apple juice reaches her stomach. She's surprised, partly by my willingness to come forward, partly because I'm sure she has no idea how I managed to open her clothes even further to the point where she's all but half-naked.

With the apple juice gone, my mouth circles around before latching onto her nipple. Nibbing gently, a fire awakens within me upon her first moan. She's grips my shoulders as she repositions herself so that she's lying down on her back and I'm above her. 

With the silent permission to now roam freely, my hands are a frenzy of motions as one heads north to grip her free breast while the other heads south until forcing its way inside her. 

Her body involuntary rises off the cloth as my fingers get to work on her womb like a man pumping up a tyre. Her eyes roll back as my lips crash against hers all while my free hand clamps onto her nipples like a lifeline. 

A violent tug later and they are rock hard, reddening by the second and yet she shows no signs of displeasure. In fact, her toes curl at the very thought of cumming and all it takes is the magic word to send her over the edge.

Me: Cum

Her mind visibly leaves her body as every muscle within her body goes rigid. Her nails sink into my skin. She bites down on her lip so hard it draws blood. Her body arches forward, leaning ever further into my touch even as my hand movement comes to a halt. She falls back onto the cloth, satisfied. I press a kiss to her forehead, even as I watch her slowly drift away.

Me: Sweat dreams.

As her eyes flutter shut, Raphael creates multiple clones to stand watch as I slowly fix her clothing so that she's at the bare minimum presentable should we suddenly receive guests.

Once finished, I make to stand but she takes a hold of my hand, pulling me down until I'm lying down beside her. She rolls over until she's partially on top of me, head resting on my chest once more. She smiles.

Luminous: Thank you.

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