Ch12: Lizardman Dilemma

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I'm a raging mess as I make my way towards the gates with Benimaru and Shuna hot on my heels. By the time I get there, however, the delegation has also garnered the attention of quite a few of the others but one dragon is notably missing from the party.

Me: Where's Veldora?

Shuna: Lord Veldora is still asleep-

Me: No matter. Where's the delegate?

The others part to let me through but what I find surprises me. There's a small army before our very gates! What's more, Ono, the Chief of the Ogres before I took over is treating with a very old-looking being that I can only presume is the chief of the Lizardmen.

Raphael: [Preparations complete.]

When Ono spots me, he immediately jumps up and begins the ceremonial introduction, first introducing his companion as the Lizardmen Chieftain. When it comes time for him to introduce me, however, I raise a hand cutting him off.

Me: Lizardman, what do you want?

Chieftain: I came to speak with the Chief of the Ogres to request his assistance but it seems I'm a bit behind on the political structure within the village.

Me: So it would seem.

Ono: Ehem. This is Lord Rimuru. He's-

Me: I'm guessing you're here about the Orcs?

Chieftain: So you've heard about them too?

Me: Even if I didn't, a dryad made a point about needing my help to stop them.

Chieftain: A dryad? Truly?

Me: She was pretty convincing.

Shuna tenses beside me but remain silent. The Lizardman Chieftain notices but also refrains from commenting on the matter.

Chieftain: If you've already decided to fight then might I interest you in an alliance?

Me: What'd I gain from it? I already have the strength needed to eliminate the foe.

Chieftain: But there are over 200,000 Orcs!

Me: Did I stutter?

Chieftain: I-

Me: Now that you're here, however, it'd be a waste to send you back empty-handed so here's my offer. Submit to me and I will show mercy. Resist and die.

Chieftain: Is that a threat?

Me: Return and commune with your people.

????: We Lizardmen bow to no one!

Chieftain: Gabiru! Silence!

Gabiru: I will not remain silent, father!

Me: Oh?

Gabiru: If this majin wants a fight then we shall give him one!

To my surprise and perhaps the shock of the Chief, the rest of the Lizardmen also shout their agreement. All, that is, except a single female warrior that pulls ever closer to the Chieftain whilst gripping her spear.

Me: Is that a formal declaration of war?

Gabiru doesn't manage to so much as open his mouth to respond before being diced to bits by Souei. The move kills all noise within the clearing and for a moment its as though no one can fully process what their eyes just saw.

Chieftain: M-m-my son!

????: Treachery!

????: Protect the Chieftain!

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