Ch18: All In A Day's Work

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It's been a few weeks since my declaration leading to the establishment of a new nation. Since then, everyone's been hard at work reorganizing what was initially just the Ogre Village into my new capital city. The name, chosen by popular demand, is Rimuru City and when completed it'll have a population of just shy of 150,000 inhabitants with the rest of my nation's population spread out across various smaller towns and villages over the region of forest within which we currently maintain control.

Offices have already been assigned to the most prominent members at my disposal. However, any keen-eyed can see that the nation has been primed towards having a strong military and an economy capable of supporting the said military. Still, if I really want to take things to the next level, we'll need to open relations with other nations. The others are sceptical in this regard as most nations are comprised of humans who all view us as monsters and would be less likely to consider a nation made up entirely of monsters as an acceptable outcome. Said nations would also be unwilling to trade with us but unlike my subordinates, I doubt they will prove much of a challenge to overcome. If they refuse to negotiate and cause us trouble, we shall simply put them to the sword like the kings of old.


Samurai General: Benimaru
Phoenix General: Hiiro
Marshal: Hakurou


Oni Princess: Shuna
Minister of Internal Affairs: Ono
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Rigurd
Inspector-General: Souei

I maintain absolute authority over all affairs within the nation. However, militarywise, Benimaru is the de facto leader during times of war when I am not present. He handles the defence of Tempest and has complete authority to utilize all means at his disposal to ensure the safety of Tempest. Hiiro, on the other hand, is responsible for our Offensive campaigns and leads any expeditions abroad be they significant or otherwise. Hakurou, holding the title of Marshal, is responsible for military training and ensures our military is kept in top shape. I've learned first-hand that he's no joke when it comes to training so I have no doubt this will result in even the weakest in our army being godly when it comes to fighting.

On the civilian front, we have Shuna operating as the de facto leader when I am not present during times of peace. She's also the head of the Ministry of Culture and overseas any festivities within Tempest. Ono, her father and the previous Chief of the Ogres, is the Prime Minister of Tempest effectively being the third in command, during peacetime. He is also the Minister of Internal Affairs if only to oversee the department until we find a suitable head to replace him. Rigurd is the Minister of Foreign Affairs, a department currently overseen by Shuna who's been adamant about ensuring our first diplomatic encounter is a success. Lastly, there's Souei who's been given the position of Inspector-General. His department is responsible for all intelligence gathering, assessing threats towards Tempest and upon receiving authorization, eliminating them covertly. It's only been a few days since they were established but his department has been extremely efficient so far in this regard, having already completed a full analysis of the entirety of the Great Jura Forest and any remaining threats within it. However, I have yet to view their report as it is currently my day off.

I must say, thinking back, I could have probably lightened the load on them a tad by dividing certain Ministries further but that's a thought for future me. Right now, as my head rests in Shion's lap, eyes graced by her bust...there's nothing at all that could possibly-

Souei: [Lord Rimuru...]

We really need to work on his timing.

Me: [Yes?]

Souei: [There are a group of knights approaching. They number 300 strong and are riding Pegasi.]

Me: [Do they appear hostile?]

Souei: [Nothing stands out at this time. However, they are fully armoured and all armed. Leading them is the Dwarven King of the nearby nation of Dwargon.]

Raphael: [He's unlikely to engage in hostilities. The nation of Dwargon generally maintains a defensive stance on the world stage.]

Me: [Have the others gather to meet our guests. I'll be there shortly. Have Shuna take the lead until I arrive.]

Shion: Trouble?

Breaking the conversation with Souei, I look up to find both Shion and Treyni who are nearby, looking down at me with curious eyes. Shion has taken up the position of head of my security detail and my personal guardian, much to the dismay of Treyni and so in a jealous act the two have been competing to stay by my side ever since with the latter declaring herself my secretary to give her just as valid a reason to stay with me at all times as Shion.

Me: We're about to have some company.

Shion: Are they friendly?

Me: Only one way to find out.

Standing, I offer them both a hand and each smile before placing their own in mine. It's going to be quite the day. As long as I have these two with me, however, perhaps it won't be so bad...

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