Ch27: Invitation to Walpurgis

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Me: King Gazel, I'm happy you could make it.

Gazel: Of course. This meeting concerns my nation just as much as it does yours. Even if we weren't allies, I have every reason to attend.

I nod as he takes his seat opposite mine.

We have quite a collection of strong characters sitting in this room. Tempest was already strong before Milim decided she might be considering moving to live with me but now that she's here, sitting around this very table...perhaps she just might...

Me: I believe most of the faces here are already acquainted with one another but for the newcomers, Milim and I will do brief introductions. Firstly, sitting next to King Gazel is Chief Abiru, chieftain of the Lizardmen.

Abiru: Yet ever loyal to you, my King.

Me: Next to him are Hakurou, Treyni, Ono - Chief of the Kijin, Rigurd - Chief of the Hobgoblins and Shuna - Princess of the Kijin.

Milim: Beside me is Middray, Chief of my Dragon Faithful. 

Gazel: As in "The Dragon Faithful?"

Milim: Yes? Were you not listening?

Everyone just about manages to stifle their laughter. Everyone, that is, save for Veldora.

Veldora: BAHAHA!

Me: Ehem! Next to Middray sits Milim - Demon Lord, Veldora - Storm Dragon, Souei - Dark Shinobi, Benimaru - Samurai General and Hiiro - Samurai General.

Me: Ehem! Next to Middray sits Milim - Demon Lord, Veldora - Storm Dragon, Souei - Dark Shinobi, Benimaru - Samurai General and Hiiro - Samurai General

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Me: Of course, you all know King Gazel, the King of Dwargon.

Everyone nods but before I can utter another word, the door flies open.

Shion: Milord! 

Shion, obviously drunk, waltzes over to me before plopping herself down in my lap and moving in to kiss me. 

Shuna: SHION!!!!

Shuna slams her fists against the table, startling Shion into almost spilling her remaining drink. Before Shuna can reach for her, however, Treyni uses vines to restrain her to her chair before reminding her that getting infuriated will only make a bad situation worse.

Upon hearing that, Shion seems to realise that we're not alone and immediately sobers up but doesn't get up off my lap and quite frankly, I can't be bothered to remove her so I let her be as I continue.

Me: Now, we're here to discuss the steps we'll be taking going forward. I've already proclaimed myself a Demon Lord which will likely piss off a few of the existing ones thus causing them to openly challenge me. However, Milim has informed me that I only need to crush one to be officially recognised by the others and she's provided me with a most excellent target.

Milim: Demon Lord Clayman. 

Me: Yes. He and those serving under him will prove the perfect testing grounds for our forces. We'll move in and annex his territory in full thus eliminating all potential challengers from the East.

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