Ch33.5: The First Move

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Louis Valentine's POV:

What in the world is she thinking? First the marriage and now this? Still, it does pose a rather unique opportunity, doesn't it? Ordinarily, I'd never be able to convince the humans to target someone of such ranking as Guy Crimson...however, with Tempest involved...

Roy: Brother, is that a good look for the Pope to have?

Me: I-

I'm cut off by the sudden appearance of Hinata within the chambers. We're on the Holy Mountain so no one would dare trouble us here and yet...

Hinata: Seems she's serious about this whole marriage thing.

Me: Did you try convincing her otherwise? I know she has a special place in her heart for you so perhaps you-

Hinata: It didn't matter. She's in love.


Hinata: She loves him, though the why I am not yet certain of. 

Me: Could he be manipulating her?

Hinata: I saw no signs of it.

Hmmm. I suppose there could be worse news. Besides, if she's happy then what's there to worry about? Yes, that's right. As long as she's happy there's no cause for alarm.

Me: We'll be joining the assault on Guy Crimson-

Hinata: We have different orders. We are to fortify the border against Demon Lord Dagruel and his forces to prevent him from interfering.

Me: I see...very well, I shall prepare the speech.

Hinata: I'll be coming too...

Me: Oh?

Hinata: We'll garner more support if we both make an appearance.

Roy: As usual, I'll be here for when you return.

Neither Hinata nor I respond as we both exit the chamber.

<-> Sometime later...<->

Me: Children of the Goddess! The time has come to prove your faithfulness! Our beloved Goddess has ordered a Holy Crusade against the tyrannical Demon Lord Guy Crimson! I know, some of you have fear within your hearts but steel yourselves for our Goddess has prepared a way!

Hinata steps up beside me on the balcony overlooking the massive crowd gathered before the church.

Me: The armies of the Jura Tempest Federation are already on the move and are set to cross the sea momentarily. Joining them in this crusade, a portion of our forces led by Hinata Sakaguchi will embark on a mission to secure everlasting peace. Those that remain have an equally important task in preventing Demon Lord Dagruel from using this as an opportunity to launch an attack on our Holy Empire! Leading this defence, the Clerics of the Seven Luminaries-

I'm cut off by an explosion above the city which rocks its very foundations.

Me: Wha-

Hinata: Move!

Hinata barely manages to push me out of the way before the balcony upon which we stood gets vaporised. 

Dagruel: HAHAHAHAHA!!!! 

More balls of fire rain down all across the city as Demon Lord Dagruel begins his attack. Even as more and more of his forces appear on the horizon, charging towards the city, I can't help the one thought that crosses my mind. 

Me: How were they able to get here without my knowing?

Hinata: Protect the civilians! You there, get the holy relics to safety. The rest of you, help him!

Me: [Lady Luminous...the Empire is under attack.]



Me: [Lady Luminous!]



What the hell is going on?

Hinata: Don't just stand there!

Me: I can't reach her!

Hinata: What?

Fanning her away, I try the only other person that comes to mind.

Me: [Roy-]

Roy: [I'm already on my way-]

Me: [No...head to Tempest and request aid.]

Roy: [Are you certain?]

Me: [I am. I'm not reaching the mistress. If anything's happened there then at the very least you'll be able to keep her safe.]

Roy: [Just don't go dying now, you hear?]

Me: [Haha...(I can't make such a promise...)]

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