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King Gazel...he's strong. As I sit across from him, Shuna pouring us some tea with promises of ale later in the evening, he is nothing but power. It flows free from him in waves. Even Raphael can sense it. It must be a skill.

Gazel: So, Rimuru...what would you say to a trade agreement between our nations?

Me: That sounds like an excellent idea. 

Gazel: It does, doesn't it? What would you trade?

Me: Well, that's something I'd need to think about. So far, we produce much of everything but as I'd not thought about trading with others, it merely fulfils the need of our people and nothing more.

Gazel: That's no good. Every nation needs trading, even if only as a means to open diplomatic channels.

Me: I've found military strength to be far more valuable.

Gazel: Oh?

He casts a quick glance out to the courtyard where Shion is busy training some young Kijin to become warriors. Benimaru and Hiiro are with her but seem perfectly content to stand by and watch.

Gazel: You have amassed quite the force so far.

Me: I'm glad you-

Gazel: However, what use is an army if you cannot feed, clothe and arm it?

Me: I more than-

Gazel: If everyone's busy fighting then who will man the fields? Who will tend to the workbench? 

Me: A fair point. However, we could still technically use the military to conquer another nation and then press said populace into fulfilling those roles for us.

Gazel: So you'd create a nation that would succeed in rallying the entire world against it.

Me: Are you suggesting we couldn't win if I did?

Gazel: Even if, and I do mean if, that were possible...

He pauses as if considering his next words very carefully.

Gazel: I don't think that's in your plans.

Me: Well, you aren't wrong.

Gazel: So what is your objective then?

Me: To simply enjoy my new life.

Gazel: Don't we all?

Me: Hmm?

Gazel: Wish to enjoy life, that is. However, it doesn't-

Me: I meant what I said. That's my only goal. All my actions are taken in support of this goal.

Silence permeates the pavilion to the point that Shuna, who had finally returned with the ale, visibly shows her discomfort.

Gazel: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You're quite the interesting man, I'll give you that.

Me: Oh? 

Shuna pours him a glass before placing one before me.

Gazel: What's this?

Me: Ale.

Gazel: Ale? I've never seen this ale before.

Me: Taste it and tell me if you'd be willing to trade for it.

Gazel: Ale? We have plenty of-

His voice cuts off shortly after the glass touches his lips. 

Me: Shuna, would you mind sorting out the contract details with our guest?

King Gazel's expression changes to one of the purest forms of joy to ever be displayed. He's like a newborn babe laughing for the first time. Nothing but stars in his eyes, he's not even aware that I've gotten up until Shion comes into the pavilion even drunker than he is.

Shion: My lord, make lo-

Shuna: Shion!

Shion: Uuuugghhhh. Jealous much.

Shuna goes red. As she tries to clear the "misunderstanding", Gazel jumps up with a shout.

Gazel: RIMURU!!! You have a deal! I trade you anything for this ale! What is it called?

Me: Haha. That's actually not an accurate depiction of what it is. 

Gazel: Huh?

He stares at the cup as if it has a label for him to read but I simply laugh some more.

Me: It's a trade secret. 

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