Ch23: Demon Lord Milim

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Home...there's no place like it. I enjoyed my time in Dwargo but Tempest is mine and what's mine will always feel just right.

Me: So what's on the schedule today?

No one replies. In truth, there's no one there to respond. Shuna is off doing her usual Princess stuff while Shion is busy training those she's forging into my guards. Treyni...well, I don't even know where she is right now but she did tell me that she might be gone for a while as she surveys the forest. Everyone's hard at work but not me. Me? I'm chilling.

Raphael: [High magicule entity approaching at max velocity!]


Raphael: [Calculations complete. Entity's trajectory indicates Master is their target.]

Me: Oh? Another challenger approaches?

Looking around, it becomes clear that I can't battle here so I teleport to a spot overlooking the city but far enough away to limit potential collateral damage to a minimum. There, I wait and sure enough, after some time a pink star appears overhead blasting down towards me. I don't even bother moving.

Me: Beelzebuth...

The skill engages at the last possible second barely giving anyone time to dodge and yet she somehow manages to do so, crash-landing off to my right. 

Me: I suppose you are stronger than I thought...or at least faster.

????: Hehe. I found you! I am the Demon Lord Milim and as of today, you are all my servants!

Me: Huh? Pretty cocky for an underdressed girl.

Milim: Hey! Didn't you hear what I said?

I wonder...she might make a nice addition but then again if she proves to be really strong then I could simply keep her around as my shield against potential threats. I'd need to break her for either to happen though...

Raphael: [Analysis complete. Target - Demon Lord Milim, Species - Dragonoid, Class - Catastrophe Classed Monster...]

So the strongest of the strong basically? Not bad though just my luck to be placed right in front of her. 


Shion: Lord Rimuru!

Shion comes flying in with her sword in hand, swinging for Milim's head. At the same time Benimaru appears before me, one hand already engulfed in flame. Hiiro is close behind with Souei, both immediately attacking as well but their efforts are futile as nothing seems to get through.

Ranga: We have to flee, master!

Benimaru: Ranga! Get Lord Rimuru to safety!

Ranga doesn't hesitate to lift me with his teeth and toss me on his back before turning to run away but I don't give him the opportunity.

Me: Stop!

He halts and I step down. Looking back, I'm just in time to see Shion get blasted into a nearby tree, shattering its trunk.

Me: That's enough!

Everyone stops fighting.

Milim: Oh? Are you finally willing to serve me?

Me: This fight is between you and me.

Milim: They attacked first...

Me: And I'll deal with them later but for now, here are the terms. You can either agree or go back to whatever hole you crawled out of.

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