Ch39: Veldora, Velzard, Rimuru

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Veldora's POV:


Me: I-i-i-t's so cold...

Milim: Uncle, I hardly think that's-

Me: It is cold, whether you want to admit it or not! This frigid temperature...(shivers) sister is near.

Milim: Will she pose a threat?

Me: I-

The wind suddenly dies before blowing in the opposite direction. Even Milim shivers as the sheer cold batters our frontlines, freezing everything in its path.

Milim: RAAAAAHH!!!

Milim fires a bolt of pink straight ahead as though she aims at something specific but while I don't hear anything, A wall of ice soon comes flying our way. She dodges but I punch my way through, disintegrating the block with relative ease to the awe of our accompanying invasion force getting ready to disembark beneath us.

Milim: I'll fight her, you-

I watch as a blue flash blasts her out of the sky. She's mostly unharmed but doesn't return to the skies until she's donned her armour.

Milim: If she hits me again I swear I'll vaporize this continent!

Me: As fun as going all out might be, we were told specifically not to kill everyone.

Milim: Come on! Just a little-

Me: Go ahead. However, I don't plan on getting scolded by-

Velzard: Pitiful brother! Come and face me!

There's silence save for the howling of the wind.

Nervously, I look around expecting to see that backhand swinging for my head at any moment but there's nothing but the dark, cold night sky for miles. The clouds have gone allowing for better visibility but still, there's no sign of her...where is she?

Soldier: [Lady Milim, Lord Veldora, everyone's disembarked safely.]

Milim: [Good. Stick to the plan.]

Soldier: [But-]

There's some interference with the connection, cutting the conversation short. She's close.

My body starts shaking uncontrollably. Every cell in my body screams at me to run but I can't move my body. It's as though I am frozen in place.

Me: I-, no...not like this!

Wait...didn't Rumuru promise to help me with her? That's it!

Me: [Rimuru, help-]

My concentration is broken as I feel cold fingers wrap around my neck. My whole body goes limp from fear even before her face becomes visible. 

Velzard: [You would run from your sister without even saying hi?]

Milim: HEY!

Milim charges for her but Velzard backhands her like a little doll sending her rocketing out of the sky. She crashes in the ocean, vanishing beneath the waves.

Velzard: Don't interfere when I am speaking with my idiotic brother...pest.

I try to muster the courage to fight back but my body refuses to move. My heart yearns for battle but my nothing changes. I-



Velzard: Aaahhh!

Velzard releases her hold on my neck and reaches behind her to soothe her ass.

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