Ch14: Battle of The Marshes (1)

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The Lizardman Marshes... not much to look at, is it? Bleak and filled with pale colours, it isn't exactly the most appealing place though perhaps this says more about the time of year than the actual location. 

A light fog hovers just above the ground. It's not enough to obscure sight but it does paint everything in a sickly white hue. 

Benimaru: Milord, everyone's in position.

Me: Excellent. I'll leave the command of our forces to you and Hiiro. 

Benimaru: Should we take prisoners?

Me: I have yet to decide.

Benimaru: Understood.

I watch him walk off before blasting off into the sky. Shion moans about me leaving her behind but after Shuna points out that I'm not going anywhere, she calms down enough for me to focus on the upcoming battlefield. 

In terms of numbers, we're vastly outmatched but still, our assembly is quite impressive. Against the now 220,000 Orcs we have:

300 Kijin 
1500 Hobgoblins 
750 Direwolves
900 Lizardmen 

In truth, it isn't the entire population of my ever-expanding community as we have a total of 555 Kijin, 5800 Hobgoblins, 1250 Direwolves and the newly added 2000 Lizardmen for a combined total of 9604 Residents not including myself, Veldora and Treyni. Furthermore, given each number represents a being that is ranked B+ or higher and all are capable of fighting...

Benimaru: This is the first battle Lord Rimuru will be overseeing. Do not disappoint! Show the master the true extent of your power!

All: Hear! Hear!

Hiiro: The enemy approaches. Remember your orders. Kill or capture. KILL OR CAPTURE!!!!!!

On that, everyone sets off. They are few in number but as the last of the Orcs pour onto the marshy terrain, I can only watch in amazement as they are immediately attacked from all sides. All around their formation, large swathes of Orcs vanish under explosions so powerful they deform the very land. 

Me: Shion, feel free to join the attack.

Shion: But-

Me: I'll be fine. Go have fun!

She doesn't wait to receive any further confirmation before rushing off. Swinging that massive bade of hers, she easily carves through line after line before reaching Hakurou who, after merely touching his sword handle, manages to cut down 17 Orcs who deigned to come near Shuna. 

Benimaru: They just keep coming, don't they?

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Benimaru: They just keep coming, don't they?

Shion: Lord Rimuru was right! It really is like target practice.

Hakurou: Yes, this provides an excellent opportunity for my students to learn...

Ranga: Such insolence before the master! They must be punished!

Ranga's howl is deafening and as he does, his fur shines a glistening purple and bright blue making him stand out in the night despite the countless flashes from the battle

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Ranga's howl is deafening and as he does, his fur shines a glistening purple and bright blue making him stand out in the night despite the countless flashes from the battle. Perhaps due to this, the nearest Orcs charge him. Bad move.

Massive F5 Tornadoes hurl themselves down from above accompanied by flashes of lightning precision striking the strongest opponents while the winds mop up what's left. It lights the sky up like the inside of a disco ball and yet the Orcs still just keep on coming. It's as though we're fighting against an unlimited spawn point. 

Me: Has anyone found the Orc Lord as yet?

Benimaru: Negative.

Hiiro: I haven't seen him yet either.

Shion: Lord Rimuru!

All: Yes?

Shion: I said Lord Rimuru!

Benimaru: Ahh...well...

Hiiro: Get over yourself. What's the emergency?

Me: Did you find him?

Shion: I...

Souei: Lady Shion has indeed located the Orc Lord, milord. Shall we take him out?

Hiiro: I should be the one!

Shion: He'll die long before you get here.

Hiiro: You wouldn't dare!

Hakurou: Be careful! Don't get too close!

His warning comes slightly too late. In her attempt to beat Hiiro to the punch, Shion jumps and swings straight for the monster's head. She connects but the sword simply gets stuck in all the fat. What's worse, gaseous heads pour out of the wound and latch themselves onto Shion who instantly drops to the ground writhing in pain.

Raphael: The Orc Lord is excellent at Rot Attacks. They will ignore most standard defences. As such it is recommended that any attackers remain outside the attacking range.

Me: What's the range?

Raphael: Unknown.

Me: Huh?

Raphael: The range of the attack varies based on the user's own remaining magicule count.

Me: So basically the range could be infinite.

She takes a while to respond but eventually does.

Raphael: Yes.

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