Ch20: The Armed Nation of Dwargo (1)

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It's been roughly half a week since I last spoke with King Gazel, yet here I am heading towards his nation. With me are Shion, Shuna and a detachment of Kijin that Shion's triumphantly declared as part of my personal guard. The five are the only ones to have successfully completed her "training" so they must be quite formidable indeed.

With them are High Orcs riding as armoured knights atop great war beasts. They act as our escorts and as we near the gates of the capital city, the outside crowd parts under command of the guard to let us through. However, as is custom, we exit the carriages to pass through the gates on foot. It seems like a weird custom to me but given Shuna insists, I decide to go with it.

????: Your Majesty, right this way.

We're led by a guard who takes us through the city until we get to the gates of the palace grounds. There, another takes over. This one I recognise from my previous meeting with King Gazel.

Me: So we meet again, Dorf, though I must ask why the King's right-hand man is dressed like this.

I flash a hand toward his clothing but he merely laughs.

Dorf: I am but a humble servant, after all.

Dorf nods to the guards barring the only visible door ahead of us. They don't even hesitate or question, simply letting us through.

Dorf: The King awaits your presence-

Me: There's the main man of the hour, the Hero King!

The door shuts behind us as I take my seat directly opposite Gazel's position. 

Me: So, apart from making public appearances, what else can I do in this city?

Gazel: Well, if you're interested I heard they have a brothel on the main street.

Me: Say no more.

I stand and am halfway through the door before Gazel manages to clear his throat.

Gazel: Rimuru, we still haven't had our meeting.

Me: I'm certain you have more pressing matters-

Gazel: I've cleared my entire schedule just to-

Me: Then why not come along?

Gazel: Huh?

Me: I can think of no finer place than a brothel to be conducted.

Gazel: Ha...ha ha...hahahahaha! 

He erupts in a fit of laughter, nearly knocking the wine out of Shuna's hand as she returns, face red from embarrassment, to pour us another serving. As she passes by, I playfully pat her on the ass. 

Shuna: Eep!

Me: What do you think?

Shuna stammers under the weight of the room's focus but doesn't get the chance to formulate a response as Shion intervenes, though not on her behalf.

Shion: I will not share!

Gazel: Lady Shion, I don't think you have a choice in the matter.

Shion lowers her head at that but despite the tone he used, I sense Gazel was merely speaking out to save her from embarrassment rather than openly assaulting her ego. 

Me: In any case, King Gazel, you are right about one thing.

Gazel: What's that?

Me: We should, at the very least, finish this meeting before moving on to greener pastures.

Gazel: Oh?

Me: The deal, as presented prior, is for your nation and my own to become trade partners.

Gazel: What route-

Me: Roads will be constructed between your capital and my own at the expense of my nation. However, the road network will be maintained by both countries with my own being responsible for only the sections located within the territory claimed by my nation.

Gazel: Agreeable terms so far.

Me: I'd also propose a defensive alliance to start.

Gazel: With someone you only just met?

Me: You're strong. Your men are strong and while you are primarily defensive-focused, I see this as an added bonus for a strictly defensive alliance. 

Gazel: Very well, you have a deal.

Me: Just like that?

Gazel: I have my reasons but I doubt the ladies of the brothel will be keen on waiting long enough for you to hear them.

Me: Ahh, right!

Jumping up, I make one swift turn for the door before coming face-to-face with Shion and Shuna.

Shuna: Lord Rimuru, where are you going?

Me: If you don't get out of my way your chastity won't last long enough to find out.

She gets out of my way without further fuss. However, as I walk by, I change my mind and grab ahold of her hand.

Me: Shion!

Shion: Yes, m'lord?

Me: Wait here but don't drink all the wine.

Shion: I would never-

Shuna: M-m'lord? Where are we going?

Me: To your awakening.

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