Ch30: She's Mine...

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The Holy Empire Ruberios...

Our delegation isn't set to arrive for another 6 days at the least and yet it is ripe with activity. From the looks of things, it seems information leaked out regarding our marriage but the general public only knows some important people are getting wed. They neither know who nor the significance of said marriage and in all honesty, that's fine with me. It means that as Souka and I walk through the front gates, no one pays us any mind. At least, that's what I'd like to say.


I barely come into contact with the outside barrier when it shatters into seemingly infinite pieces before vanishing altogether. For a moment, there's utter silence during which both Souka and I camouflage our presence.

Me: Ooops...

Souka: We need to withdraw milord.

Me: On the contrary, we need to enter the city before she places another barrier up.

Souka: But-

Me: I doubt the barrier will prevent enemies from leaving the city. That'd be counterproductive since it'd trap powerful enemies in the city and thus force them to fight their way out.

Souka: I still don't think entering the city is a great idea but-

Me: If you're worried about Souei, don't be. He's carrying out a special task for me.

Souei: Lord!

Speak of the devil...

Me: Is it done?

Souei: Everything's in position as requested, milord.

Smiling to myself, I take the lead, manoeuvring my way through the panicked crowds as the alarm sounds. Soldiers flood the streets as civilians rush for their homes and shops, closing windows and doors. We're still invisible so no one takes note of our presence but it doesn't stop Souka from jumping each time someone looks like they're about to walk right into us.

Souei: I've located the target, milord.

Me: Where?

He points towards a mountain that towers above the city. It's not in the city...Souka was right after all. I had no real reason to enter...


Me: What's the fastest way to get the-

My voice cuts off as my eyes land on one Luminous Valentine ducking into an alleyway. She's dressed as a farmer with her hair done up and covered by a broad hat, her ensemble completed by water boots. I'm curious as to what she's doing in the city in a time like this but rather than outright follow her, I instead turn my attention towards the massive church visible in the centre of the capital.

The minute we arrive, I'm taken aback but the sheer amount of guards they have stationed before it. I knew they protected it but this is a small army!

Me: The objective is simple. Cause chaos.

Souei nods and vanishes. Seconds later, screams erupt from the rear of the legion of men standing guard. Around 300 of them break off to investigate but when more screams are heard, 2/3rds of the remaining force moves to assist.

Me: Souka, disable but do not kill.

She bows before vanishing, reappearing almost instantly having already strung up all the remaining troops on various nearby trees.

More alarms are set off. Bells ring as if the person banging has no eardrums but even as more and more troops respond to the call, it is futile. Twirling around them, I effortlessly knock them out one by one all the while maintaining my invisibility. 

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