Chapter 115: Mingguang Armor

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After reorganising the military, the meeting held in Friendship Town came to an end.

After the meeting, Ouyang Shuo did not return back to Shanhai Town, but instead officially began his tour around Friendship Town under the company of Zhou Haichen.

Walking around the big streets of Friendship Town, Ouyang Shuo started to calculate the costs of expanding the military. Up first was the one-time payment to the mountain barbarians. The 3 batches of warriors cost 1700 gold, adding the one-time off care package of 500 thousand units of food, which was 500 gold and the class change cost of 500 gold for 1000 infantrymen and 150 gold for 100 cavalrymen, the total costs ran up to 2850 gold. The 3000 gold that he had left was nearly used up.

The next day, Ouyang Shuo went to the office of the town head to obtain the report from Zhou Haichen about cooperation with the nomadic tribes.

Zhou Haichen invited Ouyang Shuo to the lord's seat while he sat at a lower seat and said, "Sire, the medium-sized tribe to the north of Friendship Town is known as the Tian Feng tribe. It has 3500 people and 1500 square miles of pasture, even bigger than our territory. Tian Feng tribe's leader is called Dariachi, 35 years old, a descendent of the mongols. The name Dariachi in Mongolian means to crush and suppress, so one can see his ambition and goal."

He continued. "After completing the city protection river protect, we sent out the Administration Director of Friendship Town as an ambassador to bring gifts to see Dariachi. Although he was shocked by the visit, his actions weren't anything out of the ordinary. After accepting the gifts, he treated us very warmly. What was baffling was when the ambassador was about to return, a squad of Tian Feng tribe cavalry tried to attack. Only after they saw the river and the high city walls were they shocked and retreated."

"Interestingly after that squad of cavalry left, the Tian Feng tribe sent over a messenger who said that he want to trade with us. As it was so sudden, I didn't have a clue what Dariachi was up to. I wanted to report to you but the lord's mansion said that you had something to do and thus went into seclusion. Hence I used a delay tactic. Now that you are back, I need your advice on what to do."

Ouyang Shuo frowned. "From your description, this Dariachi is a two-faced character. The way I see it, it's best not to reveal the existence of the main camp. How about this, you will be in charge of trading with them. We only want Qingfu horses, and as for what to trade for them, regardless of grain, salt, iron ore, tea, or even three flower wine, we can trade it with them. As long as we can get the Qingfu horses, giving them some benefits is acceptable."

Zhou Haichen was surprised and said emotionally, "Understood! Sire, don't worry!"

"Additionally, the trading location must be carefully chosen. You can build a trading post beside the city protection river. For the first trade it's best if it's within this week." Ouyang Shuo ordered. As for why one week, it was naturally to coordinate with the military and prepare for military action.


Ouyang Shuo nodded his head and said, "Haichen, seems like choosing you to come to Friendship Town was the right decision. After these two days I found that the town was orderly built. Even when facing the threat of the nomadic tribes, the people were still peaceful. To think of trading under these circumstances is incredible!"

Receiving such a high evaluation, Zhou Haichen was emotional and said, "All I have today is all because of your help and the chances you've given me. I don't dare to waste this opportunity, and will continue to work hard to repay sire!"

"Seeing this, I'm delighted!" Ouyang Shuo replied.


On the 8th of May, Friendship Town did its first trade with Tian Feng tribe.

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