Chapter 158: Mixed Regiment

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Ouyang Shuo temporarily ignored his worry towards the Military Affairs Department and announced his military reorganisation plan.

"I agree with a large part of what the Military Affairs Department has said. The casualties in the various units have to be replaced. But not all members must be chosen from within the prisoners."

The reason Ouyang Shuo did that was to show that he supported the Military Affairs Department. The generals seated were no fools and definitely understood. Before choosing a suitable replacement, Ouyang Shuo had to resolutely support Ge Hongliang and act as his shield.

Ouyang Shuo first looked at Pei Donglai and said, "The 300 water bandit prisoners will be handed to the Beihai Naval Fleet. Apart from replacing the 50 soldiers, the remaining 250 can act as the reserve force for the naval fleet for the future expansion of the 3rd unit."

"Yes my lord!" Pei Donglai was surprised that the lord said outright that the Beihai Naval fleet was going to expand. As its commander, Pei Donglai was naturally delighted.

"As for the 2nd leader Huo Liu, just execute him. We have already killed his older brother and there's no way back." Ouyang Shuo ordered. The current him didn't have any psychological burden when ordering executions.


Ouyang Shuo looked around and looked st Wang Yuanfeng. "The god machine unit is special so the dead 10 soldiers will be recruited from the territory. Apart from that, we must increase development of the reserve force. The future city wall will be able to fit more arcuballistas and will need many more archers."

"Yes my lord!"

Ouyang Shuo looked at Shi Wanshui next and said, "The 15 men from the infantry unit were all elite mountain barbarian warriors. These two units are the future heavy armored infantry unit. My intentions are to transfer 150 men from the Langshan protection unit. As for the soldiers there, we will recruit from the various tribes."

"Yes my lord!" Shi Wanshui didn't have any objections to the Military Affairs Department and since the lord considered everything, he had no reason to do the same.

In the end, Ouyang Shuo looked at Zhao Sihu, Zhang Daniu, and the others and said, "The, city protection unit and the cavalry unit will be reinforced with the raider prisoners."

"Yes my lord!" The three generals acknowledged.

Following which, Ouyang Shuo started to announce his plans for the remaining prisoners.

"Lin Yi!"


"After supplementing the cavalry unit, immediately return to Friendship Town's north camp. The cavalry unit will be named the vanguard unit and will now be under Friendship Town."

"Thank you lord, for the name!" Although they were removed from the main camp, Lin Yi knew the responsibility which was bestowed upon him.

From their name, it wasn't hard to see that their role was to act as the knife against the nomad tribes. Their importance was obvious.

"Director Ge!"


The Military Affairs Department needs to make an army flag for the vanguard unit. The design will follow the lord's flag design and change the golden dragon to a cross of the horse lance and Tang Sword."

"Roger that!"

Ouyang Shuo's orders made the other generals and leaders of the units look towards Lin Yi with envy. Apart from the god machine unit, the vanguard unit was the 2nd to be given a name and was the first to be given an army flag. This honor made everyone mad with envy.

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