Chapter 118: Beihai Navy

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The conversation that took place in the warchief tent of Tian Qi tribe was not known by Ouyang Shuo nor the war chief of Tian Feng tribe, Dariachi.

_The State of Lian, Tian Feng Tribe Warchief's Tent._

"Huqitu, what do you think of Tian Lian tribe's annihilation?" asked Dariachi.

Sitting a few levels down from the throne of Dariachi is a young man in his twenties. He has a tall and muscular body figure, handsome features on his face, and his curly hair added even more points in his charm. This man was Huqitu, the only general in Tian Feng tribe. He led every soldier of Tian Feng tribe except for Darichi's elite guards.

Upon learning that the Tian Lian tribe was wiped out, Huqitu actually rushed to the scene as fast as he could. He too, came to the same conclusion that Lakhshen had made after examining the remains of the tribe. The only thing different was that Huqitu knew that this was not a doing of his tribe.

From Huqitu's perspective, the truth to this incident was covered with a thick layer of mist, preventing people from understanding the truth. The surrounding tribes had no motives to do it, but this incident still happened just like that.

"Warchief, this case is very strange. I am thinking that maybe there's a tribe that is trying to frame us." Huqitu said cautiously.

Dariachi frowned and said in a deep voice, "Yes, this man has an ill intention. It appears that he wants to provoke our relationship with the Tian Qi tribe."

"Who do you think did this?" Huqitu asked.

Dariachi shook his head and said, "I am not sure. It could be the tribes from the west or the tribes from the north. It could even be the Tian Qi tribe themselves that did this."

"Tian Qi tribe!?" said Huqitu shockingly.

"Yes, Mengke is an old fox. In order to suppress the smaller tribes, he could do anything for it. Don't forget, there's a reason why he is called the 'bloody butcher'. If there is a reason for him to suppress us, a small tribe would mean nothing to him at all."

Huqitu couldn't believe it, and said, "Warchief, I still don't understand. If it really was the Tian Qi tribe, they should've sent people here to question us. However, they did not do anything at all."

"Yes, this is the part where I can't understand. That is why it is really confusing." Even with his capability, he still could not figure out anything at all.

"Could it be our new neighbour from the south? Huqitu asked boldly.

Dariachi's heart skipped a beat upon hearing it. However, he shook his head and said, "It shouldn't be. First of all, they do not have the strength to do it for now. Second, they do not have the motives. As you can see, they hope to maintain business trading with our tribes still."

Huqitu did not believe his statement as well, as he'd just simply made that statement. After hearing what his war chief said, he cleared his confusion, but the biggest mystery was still not clear yet.

"Anyhow, what done is done. It'll not just stop at this point. There'll be some unknown changes in the future that cannot be foreseen right now. However, no matter what the changes are, it will still come down to the comparison of strength between us and our enemies." Dariachi concluded. He said in a serious manner, "Huqitu, order your army and tell them not to let their guard down no matter what. During this period of time, strengthen the patrol on the border. Other than that, increase the strength of our army as much as you can. You could also consider maintaining the trades with the Friendship Town of the south to gather as much iron ore as possible."

"Understood!" Huqitu said loudly and left.

After Huqitu left the tent, Dariachi looked up to the top of his tent as if his stare could pierce through the tent and look far into the sky. He then muttered to himself. "A great storm is coming. The god of savanna, will this be a chance for our Tian Feng tribe to rise and become the greatest tribe in the savanna?"

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